Not eating

I have a Jacksons Chameleon that has stopped eating in the last few days. I know it is not because of shedding because he literally just completed one. He has also been a dark color and wont venture and move around anymore. I think the cage may be too small, but I do not know. Do you think it could be lack of hiding areas. His plant has been dying and he does not have much cover. I also have a fake tree that he seems to like, should I put him on that? I am only in high-school. My chameleon is my only hobby. This is stressing me out so much.

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my Jorge? I am starting to get really worried.
Please post some photos and answer the questions in the how to ask for help thread at the top of the health forum.
Has anything changed around the time it stopped eating?
Not sure I'm asking this in the correct place but I have a I'm guessing around a 9 month old female veiled chameleon (the pet store didn't know) that has stopped eating completely a little over 3 weeks ago the day I moved her to a larger cage ,4 by 2 repti breeze cage with fake and live non toxic plants ,full cage mist every 3 hours ,24 hour drip system, cage around 78 degrees with 2 basking spots one in low 80s one in low 90s ,New UVB tube ,container fed so access to food at all times.humidity around 65. Thing is she looks exactly the same very little weight loss good color ,very active,well hydrated ,I don't see any noticeable eggs but I always keep a 8 by 10 play sand container with her. I'm really getting scared and we won't make it to a vet for 2 more weeks. I've been giving her vitamins,calcium,appetite stimulant orally for the last 12 days


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    212.5 KB · Views: 110 need to start your own thread. When trying to wnswer people it gets confusing trying to answer two people about two totally different chameleons.
Click on forums then click on the forum you want to post in and at the top of that page there should be a blue button that says post new thread. Click on it.
Amateur's your chameleon now?
You haven't answered the questions yet so it's hard for us to help you.
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