not growing?

Miss becky

New Member
i have a male veiled cham called amigo some people might remember him who has give me help before i got him in febuary but i think he's about 9-10 months old over the 1st few months i've had him he grew alot n fast but he doesn't seem to have grown at all apart from his back legs getting a bit chunky'er in a good few months i would personally say from head to the end of his tale he's about 8-9 inches long 10 at a push is this normall
i will try and get a photo with this thread but i dont know how to do it at the moment but i will have recent pic's of him up asap on my profile

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What a nice looking fella! Beautiful crown on that king. I wouldn't worry. He looks pretty good to me.
Looks good to me...
I'd imagine that some individuals are just a bit smaller or larger than others as a result of genetics... just like people :)

I'd bet environmental reasons (lighting, temps, diet, ect...) but who knows?

Again, he looks good to me.
thank u all for the compliments and im glad that you think he's the right size i fought it would be me just being a worrier so thanks again
mine isnt growin, hes only 5months old but hasnt got a veil like that at all! he looks great, hope harry turns out like that
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