Not laying eggs.

I took in a very pregnant female veiled chameleon today. The owner of her didn't know what to do,, she took her to the vet and gave her liquid cal and some meds. Not to sure what the meds are for. They said she has been at the bottom of her cage so they got a laying bin for her but she wont do anything. They said they have to force her to drink water and to eat. I do know that when they are ready to lay sometimes they don't eat. I have her in a big trash cat with dirt. I made a hole for her because she is really weak. I put her in but she just lays there. The vet said she isn't MBD but her legs do look weird a little. Any suggestions on what to do?
Please help.


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God she's small, do you know if the vet gave her meds to start laying eggs? Usually they do if they egg bound. If that doesn't work you can always get her spayed or get them surgically to remove the eggs. But otherwise there isn't much you can do other than what you've done from what I understand. Hopefully someone else will chime in with more information if I have missed anything.
Does she have MBD?


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I am not great at recognizing mbd but it looks like she could have it, her legs look slightly bowed.
Should I leave her in her laying bin? She was in there I checked on her and she was just curled up in the hole I made for her and she was freezing. I have a heat light in pointing in there but I guess it isn't strong enough. The dirt is cold.
She needs to go to the vet asap for a shot of oxytosin (not sure the spelling) it will attemp to assist in laying. If that does not work, surgery is necesary. Due to her condition, not sure if she would make it through surgery. She is so small. But first I would get her to a vet asap or she will not make it.
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