Not sure what sex my veiled chameleon is


New Member
I've had my cham for about 2 weeks, when purchased we thought he was a boy, but after seeing him digging around in the moss at the bottom of his habitat, I googled why he would be doing this and read that only females dig when they are getting ready to lay eggs. After googling the differences between males and females I am still unsure. Please help!!


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Thank you everyone for your help! I will remove the moss now that I am confident he is a boy! And temps are normal, we have basking and uvb lights on timers peaking at about 90-100 cooling to 50-60 at night. He receives regular mistings as well.
Our thermometer is placed by the basking light, am I getting an inaccurate reading? We have the correct bulbs and the habitat is set up correctly.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - veiled, male, had him for 2 weeks
Handling - 2-3 times in past few days, he is getting more comfortable now
Feeding - live superworms at first, now live mealworms. We keep some in a dish and he usually eats 5-6 mealworms every 2-3 days. Guy loading with cucumber and other veggies.
Supplements - we dust worms with calcium every feeding, can't remember brand
Watering - we have a bowl of water and we must 3-4 times/ day. Misting lasts until surroundings have water droplets on them. I have never seen him drink
Fecal Description - colour is brown and he poops probably once every 5 days or so. It is solid and kind of looks like a stick. There is a little bit of white stuff too that appears with his poop. He hasn't need tested for parasites as far as I know
History - we got him from a let store, not sure how old he is.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - his habitat is a tall Glass cage with screen on top. He has 2 lights, 1 basking 1 uvb. They are on top of the screen. Not sure of dimensions.
Lights turn on at 10am and shut off at 10pm on a timer. Uvb stays on 15 mins later at night.
Temperature - temps range from 90-100 with lights and 50-60 at night. Thermometer is placed right by basking light.
We do not have a hydrometer yet, but we give regular mistings and he has a water bowl in there as well. We are getting a dripper.
Fake plants are being used with vine to climb.
Cage is located on carpeted ground.
Located in Southern Canada
I would stop feeding mealworms as they can be hard to digest and would give more of a variety. you could feed crickets, roaches, superworms, black soldier fly, hornworms... There are so many options! Does your calcium have d3? you will need to use calcium WITHOUT d3 every feeding, then a multivitamin and calcuim WITH d3 2 times a month. I also agree that his temps are WAY to high.
Thank you so much for all your help! We stopped feeding the superworms because they looked huge when he was eating them, like he looked like he was going to choke when eating them so I immediately switched to the smaller meal worms. The hornworms are also quite large, will he be okay to eat those or should we wait until he grows? I'm just scared of him choking.
Most people feed young super worms at his age and black soldier fly larvae, small crickets and roach nymphs. Why do you seem to only want to feed worms?
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