Noticable Vein


New Member
I have a one year old female veiled chameleon. She has a 30"Wx24"Dx36"H all mesh (wood framing) enclousure, a 24" repti-glo 8.0 flourescent, and a 60w incandescent bulb to bask. Her basking area stay from 89-100 degrees (depending on time of the day) and about 75-78 degrees everywhere else. She laid her first clutch of eggs about six weeks ago. It went good compared to some other stories I have read on here. She dropped 53 eggs. The next couple days she was out of it just staying around her basking branch. Since then she is back to normal behavior healthy looking, and today she appears as though she may shed. On one side of her you can now she what appears to be a vein. It looks like when some one flexes their arm. I wasn't really that worried but recently I have read that a lot of females die from rupturing veins and artries while laying eggs. I will try to get a picture of it this week. I was just wondering if anyone else had seen this before. I got her to breed but I am scared she might not be able to make it through the next egg laying.
It might be a vein, but it sounds to me like it might be a parasitic worm under the skin. They can normally be removed by a vet if that is what it is. I will find out more on the name and post it for you.
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Jerm said:
It might be a vein, but it sounds to me like it might be a parasitic worm under the skin. They can normally be removed by a vet if that is what it is. I will find out more on the name and post it for you.

yes i read that parasitic worms look like small veins at the surface of the skin, if i were u i would recommend bring ur cham to a vet as if it were mine i would
A worm had not even crossed my mind. I have got an appointment monday. I will post some pictures and outcome so if anyone needs it for a reference on similar conditions. I do not know why when I saw all could think of was that article I read about them bleeding to death during egg laying. Perhaps she got the worm in the dirt. I may opt for sand like I have heard suggested.
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This sounds like a nematode or filarial worm as Jerm said earlier - these are basicially tape worms. These are easily removed by a veterinarian by cutting a very small hole and pulling it out. Have a vet take a look and he can take care of it in a nanosecond. Check the rest of the body as well, as there may be more than one.
I would definatly suggest putting up a good, closeup (try using macro) photo of it here. Veileds are nearly all captive bred, so the chances of them being exposed to a flilarial worm like that are close to nil.

These worms are spread by mosquitoes and other biting flies. They then grow into these nasty, disgusting worms under the skin. Often, there are dozens of tiny worms for each visible worm! It's impossible to remove all of them without actually performing major surgery, while minor surgery can get the big ones (Like Jenna said).

These worms are usually spread in their wild habitat, and I have only really heard of them in malagasy species, especially panthers, and some fischer's - and then again, ONLY in WC. Thsi woudl be the first time I've seen a CB with a subcutaneous nematode.

My first guess, is that she is kinda dehydrated from her egg-laying, and the vein is just a wrinkle. Have to see pics to be sure.

Definatly interesting - get a nice pic!
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