New Member
I have a one year old female veiled chameleon. She has a 30"Wx24"Dx36"H all mesh (wood framing) enclousure, a 24" repti-glo 8.0 flourescent, and a 60w incandescent bulb to bask. Her basking area stay from 89-100 degrees (depending on time of the day) and about 75-78 degrees everywhere else. She laid her first clutch of eggs about six weeks ago. It went good compared to some other stories I have read on here. She dropped 53 eggs. The next couple days she was out of it just staying around her basking branch. Since then she is back to normal behavior healthy looking, and today she appears as though she may shed. On one side of her you can now she what appears to be a vein. It looks like when some one flexes their arm. I wasn't really that worried but recently I have read that a lot of females die from rupturing veins and artries while laying eggs. I will try to get a picture of it this week. I was just wondering if anyone else had seen this before. I got her to breed but I am scared she might not be able to make it through the next egg laying.