Hello everyone, I am new to the world of these adorable lizards, I haven't actually purchased my first animal but I have begun setting up my future Veiled chameleon's cage. I am a very paranoid person so I am sure you will see and hear from me a lot in the coming weeks, sorry, I have already been lurking a bit too. So anyway I have a few questions. First, I purchased a Zilla 30x18x30 cage, a good sturdy piece of climbing wood branch, some vines and a Zoo med Repti Rapids water fall with a tiny blue LED in it. I got terrarium carpet for my substrate. I got a zoo med deep dome lamp fixture and a Zoo Med 100w self-ballasted mercury vapor powersun UV bulb that provides the full spectrum of heat and UVA/UVB, I also bought a little dripper . That is all that is in my cage right now. I am headed to the organic nursery in a few days to pick up a pothos and a croton for my buddy before he arrives.I purchased two thermometers, one digital with a probe I can hide in the basking area, and one analog duel hydrometer and thermometer to sick closer to the bottom to the cage. The basking area is reading about 95* and the bottom half is reading around 78* and about 68% humidity. I am just wanting to get some feed back on my purchases and check temp ranges with you all. Any thing else you all could suggest I pick up before my little Veiled? I just want to provide the best little home for my little new friend. Any guidance or feedback is welcome! Also should I be turning off the LED in the waterfall at night as well? do you think I need two bulbs on the top of such a wide cage? Thanks again for any help guys!