Odd bump on leg?

I have not seen anything like this. I have seen where the tail or limb will turn almost black after a needle but he is showing a white discoloration. And that I believe is the opposite leg from the surgery. He is definitely showing signs of a major decline. Looking at the eyes specifically. Who took care of him the three days you were gone?

I understand your concern about moving him in this condition. How are you moving and how long would you need to have him in transport before you can get him back in a regular cage?
Yeah I've not seen anything like this either, and I ghost this forum daily. It IS the opposite leg, but both legs have white splotches. And especially around the base of his spine where his vent/tail start.

I'm going to be driving and it's a 3 day trip at 7 hours/day in a car. I had a neighbor care for him while I was gone. I was only gone for 4 days, and the only time she messed with the cage at all is to put 3 dubia roaches in his feeder bowl. Unless she tried handling him and dropping him or something (I trust she hasn't,s he's cared for my animals for a couple years now on the rare trip I take), I can't think her actions had anything to do with his sudden decline.

His lights and water are all on timers, and none of that was amiss when I got back.
I’m so sorry for all that you’re going thru. Any results back yet from the biopsy? I wonder if it was an abscess and if your guy has an infection or sepsis. I’ll be praying for you both. 🙏🙏🙏 (((💗)))
THank you! I have to wonder if removing the bump sent something spiraling into his system, where it was otherwise contained until they messed with it. I haven't head biopsy results yet but Tuesday will be a week so I hope to hear today.
Yeah I've not seen anything like this either, and I ghost this forum daily. It IS the opposite leg, but both legs have white splotches. And especially around the base of his spine where his vent/tail start.

I'm going to be driving and it's a 3 day trip at 7 hours/day in a car. I had a neighbor care for him while I was gone. I was only gone for 4 days, and the only time she messed with the cage at all is to put 3 dubia roaches in his feeder bowl. Unless she tried handling him and dropping him or something (I trust she hasn't,s he's cared for my animals for a couple years now on the rare trip I take), I can't think her actions had anything to do with his sudden decline.

His lights and water are all on timers, and none of that was amiss when I got back.
I am wondering did the vet do a blood draw or inject him with anything in those areas for the biopsy?
I am wondering did the vet do a blood draw or inject him with anything in those areas for the biopsy?
I'll have to ask. My understanding was they did a little bit of lidocane on the area and then just took a dry biopsy needle like they would for a normal biopsy. When they tried to get a few cells, they got the whole bump out. Otherwise they gave him no meds, and closed the wound with a small dab of medical glue - do you think that could have poisoned him or something? Interestingly, the area where the bump was looks fine. It's not swollen or angry or anything of the sort.
I'll have to ask. My understanding was they did a little bit of lidocane on the area and then just took a dry biopsy needle like they would for a normal biopsy. When they tried to get a few cells, they got the whole bump out. Otherwise they gave him no meds, and closed the wound with a small dab of medical glue - do you think that could have poisoned him or something? Interestingly, the area where the bump was looks fine. It's not swollen or angry or anything of the sort.
No, I was just curious because of the discoloration on the tail base if maybe there was an injection there. Seems old that they remove the entire thing without being invasive and then this happens. I really wonder what it was that they removed. I wonder if disturbing it released cells into his body and this is a reaction to his immune system trying to fight it off. But again this is just a guess. He looked great post biopsy. But your saying he is also having issues pushing out fecal/urate... Is he walking normally? Like does it look like his back half is working correctly?
No, I was just curious because of the discoloration on the tail base if maybe there was an injection there. Seems old that they remove the entire thing without being invasive and then this happens. I really wonder what it was that they removed. I wonder if disturbing it released cells into his body and this is a reaction to his immune system trying to fight it off. But again this is just a guess. He looked great post biopsy. But your saying he is also having issues pushing out fecal/urate... Is he walking normally? Like does it look like his back half is working correctly?
I have to wonder if that released cells too and an infection spread. There was a little bit of blood aroudn the "nugget" they removed.

His back half is definitely weaker than his front half. His legs DO grip (I picked him up and he held on, and with some coaxing walked a bit on my fingers to climb back into his enclosure) but he's not really keen on using his back legs. He's sorta resting his butt on the branch and has let both of them dangle. His tail isn't doing much either. This is a far, far cry from when I brought him home from the vet. He was mostly mad I brought him there in the first place. BUt he was strong and healthy. Though I guess I can add to the symptoms that when I brought him home (I mentioned it in an earlier post) he was awake for a chunk of the night. I chalked that up to him sleeping in a dark transport box for like 4ish hours.

He DID mosey over to a leaf this morning and took a good long drink from the dew on it. So I know he's drinking at least??? I dunno. This is crazy stuff.
I think it may be spot on that something was released into his system as the mystery lump was removed. Often times the body will encapsulate things that are harmful. I’m thinking more like infection/sepsis though since this has all happened so quickly. Not sure if you are aware that reptile/chameleon pus is solid, like a cheese almost.
I have to wonder if that released cells too and an infection spread. There was a little bit of blood aroudn the "nugget" they removed.

His back half is definitely weaker than his front half. His legs DO grip (I picked him up and he held on, and with some coaxing walked a bit on my fingers to climb back into his enclosure) but he's not really keen on using his back legs. He's sorta resting his butt on the branch and has let both of them dangle. His tail isn't doing much either. This is a far, far cry from when I brought him home from the vet. He was mostly mad I brought him there in the first place. BUt he was strong and healthy. Though I guess I can add to the symptoms that when I brought him home (I mentioned it in an earlier post) he was awake for a chunk of the night. I chalked that up to him sleeping in a dark transport box for like 4ish hours.

He DID mosey over to a leaf this morning and took a good long drink from the dew on it. So I know he's drinking at least??? I dunno. This is crazy stuff.
Yeah so the decline of use of the back half of the body is concerning. I would get him into the vet and see what happens. They are so dang fragile even when we do everything right. Fingers crossed for you. It will be important to know what they removed though... For the simple fact if it is something like papiloma this is very contagious reptile to reptile.
Yeah so the decline of use of the back half of the body is concerning. I would get him into the vet and see what happens. They are so dang fragile even when we do everything right. Fingers crossed for you. It will be important to know what they removed though... For the simple fact if it is something like papiloma this is very contagious reptile to reptile.
Yeah I'm going to drop him off today. I suspect that might have been a little pustule that they removed, like @MissSkittles said, and if that spread to his body, that'd explain the back end issues starting before the front end. If his back end is getting weak it'd explain why he couldn't really poop.

And I just messaged my neighbor, she said he was moving around and acting okay, but he was hanging out in the back of the enclosure in the same spot for a couple days. It's where he's going now to sit (and sometimes close his eyes). I suspect he started feeling bad after that vet appointment last week, and may have been declining over the last 5-6 days.
Yeah I'm going to drop him off today. I suspect that might have been a little pustule that they removed, like @MissSkittles said, and if that spread to his body, that'd explain the back end issues starting before the front end. If his back end is getting weak it'd explain why he couldn't really poop.

And I just messaged my neighbor, she said he was moving around and acting okay, but he was hanging out in the back of the enclosure in the same spot for a couple days. It's where he's going now to sit (and sometimes close his eyes). I suspect he started feeling bad after that vet appointment last week, and may have been declining over the last 5-6 days.
I'm sorry hun. Let us know what happens. fingers crossed for him.
Well... Little Guy has taken a turn for the absolute worst. It seems the last couple of days while I was gone, he went downhill. I came home last night to him sleeping in the lightest colors I've ever seen, tail not curled up. This morning, he's got odd patches of white on his back end, and isn't interested in doing much moving. Especially his back half. He's also closing his eyes. His eyes are very sunken and I watched him this morning apparently try to poop and he struggled for a bit, his hemipenis poking out behind a urate. He got part of the urate out (quite wet) and then seems to have given up.

I don't know if this is associated with the bump removal, or of it's a coincidence, but he was FINE three days ago. Now I'm not sure if he's going to survive. The vet said I could drop him off as an emergency intake and I have an appointment with them tomorrow. I honestly fear I'm more likely to ask for a necropsy than anything else. I don't know what happened.

I'm doing what I can for him - a vet is all I CAN do. But has anyone experienced this before? I'll post a picture momentarily.

The "best" part is I have movers here the next few days. I'm headed out to Albuquerque in about a week and even if he was fully healthy, a big move like that is going to weigh on him a bit. With him as sick as he is (if he even MAKES it to next week), I don't know what that'll do to him.

Sheesh, I'm SO stressed. :C
So sorry thinking of you
My Tony has a growth between his eyes. He’s had it since I got him and the vet said just to leave it alone so long as it’s not growing or causing him any issues. Now I wonder if it’s a benign cyst like your guy had, and filled with something. I’ll continue to leave it be. This post may have saved another life so thank you for sharing.

I’m so sorry you have to go through this. God bless you and your little friend.


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Dropped him off at the vet. They're putting him in a hospital bin and giving him some nutrients since he hasn't eaten in about a week. They said they'd call in the morning when the expert vet gets in and we'll go from there. I don't have high hopes that he'll survive much longer than tonight but I'm gonna hope all the same.
Dropped him off at the vet. They're putting him in a hospital bin and giving him some nutrients since he hasn't eaten in about a week. They said they'd call in the morning when the expert vet gets in and we'll go from there. I don't have high hopes that he'll survive much longer than tonight but I'm gonna hope all the same.
Let us know how it goes. ❤️
Latest update.

I took Little Guy to Dr. Dahlhausen yesterday and they kept him overnight because he was definitely declining.

So first off he's alive still! Not doing well though. His whole internal legs and vent area are severely swollen and Dr. D thinks it's cutting blood supply to his back end. That may explain why everything is going white and not black. So he's going to keep Little Guy for another couple days to see if the meds (antibiotics) will take. I didn't get a name for what antibiotic, just that it's an injection. He's also giving him a liquid diet so he doesn't have to strain for pooping like he did earlier. I asked about impaction and he said there's nothing he could feel there, and with all the swelling in the vent area it seems that's where the concern is.

The vet was very straightforward and sympathetic, answered questions that I had. I think he's in as good of hands as he can be, and I'm comforted knowing I'm doing everything I can for him, no matter the eventual outcome.

I have a couple pictures... He looks bad, just fair warning. But he IS alive. Fight Little Guy... Fight!

Edit: still no biopsy results yet. Hopefully very very soon.


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Latest update.

I took Little Guy to Dr. Dahlhausen yesterday and they kept him overnight because he was definitely declining.

So first off he's alive still! Not doing well though. His whole internal legs and vent area are severely swollen and Dr. D thinks it's cutting blood supply to his back end. That may explain why everything is going white and not black. So he's going to keep Little Guy for another couple days to see if the meds (antibiotics) will take. I didn't get a name for what antibiotic, just that it's an injection. He's also giving him a liquid diet so he doesn't have to strain for pooping like he did earlier. I asked about impaction and he said there's nothing he could feel there, and with all the swelling in the vent area it seems that's where the concern is.

The vet was very straightforward and sympathetic, answered questions that I had. I think he's in as good of hands as he can be, and I'm comforted knowing I'm doing everything I can for him, no matter the eventual outcome.

I have a couple pictures... He looks bad, just fair warning. But he IS alive. Fight Little Guy... Fight!

Edit: still no biopsy results yet. Hopefully very very soon.
Awww poor guy... I hate that your going through this.
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