Odd question


Chameleon Enthusiast
I have a quick odd question...
I am into Marine Aquariums and my wife is getting into the chameleon hobby. Would a 125 6 foot long salt water fish tank with light and pump be stressful to a veiled cham in a enclosure about 8 feet away in the same room?
i wouldn't think so but if you are really concerned you can tack a sheet to the ceiling or something to that effect to create a divider, but imo no need

as chams don't have ears i don't think the sound won't bother him

since chameleons are from the "madagascar sunshine" (lol stupid people not you the other stupid people) the light won't bother them

as long as its not effecting the air quality i think you'll be alright
i am not a chameleon expert but have extensive saltwater experience. i would be most concerned about salt creap and its effect on the room. my 125 saltwater tank lost gallons daily and although it evaporates mostly without salt, salt seemed to get everywhere. if you have a newer set up this may not be an issue
good luck
A lil off topic, but I'm jealous of both of you, absolutbill and mczoo. I'm deep into aquatics myself, but have yet to find the money to start my first saltwater tank. Right now I've got a 22 gallon cube with tropical community fish in it, along with an albino clawed frog. Hopefully might get me a 55 gallon setup with either a small sump tank or canister filter here shortly and put 2 oscars and maybe a large pleco in it..once again, extremely jealous of your saltwater tanks. Especially your 125 gallon beast! Wow.

i spent more on fish than cars 10 years ago maybe that is why my attic is full of fish supplies and my 125 gallon tank is empty for about 5 years or so maybe it's the five children???LOL:D wish i had the money back but i would probably spend it on chams
Well it is quite a money sink! IMHO as long as you pay up front (for quality and proper equipment) you can make Reef Keeping somewhat affordable. My wife was a little peeved when she found out I just ordered rock from online 75# for over $200!:(
Saltwater fish is one of my next hobbies. We're living with my in-laws until they build a house (on the same piece of property), then we will buy the current house (big house).

I have made a pledge to forgo a fish tank until I am DONE moving. When we've got the house to ourselves, and the in laws are fully moved out, I'm doing it.

always had south american chiclids, oddballs, etc. But I want to mess with reef tanks.

Something about getting things right, throwing stuff in, and watchign new stuff crawl out of rocks, grow, develop, spontaneously generate right in your own living room....

My brother got a 10 gallon tank to "work" indefinatly. fish dont' last, but everything else seems fine!

I live within driving distance from Twin oaks (glasscages.com) - ok, about 5 hours away, but my brother in law just moved to the nashville area. They make the tanks themselves, and sell them themselves - cut out the middle men and high delivery costs associated with shipping large glass boxes.

I will have one... in time... I will.
i used to work at a fish store in brea, if it wasnt for the discount i would be bankrupt. That and i knew a gut that worked at the Wholesale W-house that was skimming stock and pretty much giving it to me cause i reffered some buyers
My last three tanks were 600, 180, and 240. all the bells and whistles. You can imagine the noise, heat, space, energy bill salt creep on a 240., i was tempted to swim inside more than once. The owner of the store was thai, so he had exclusive access to alot of aquatic life through family connections, ( tong's .....................you may have heard of them ? ) The owners wife was a princess. I raised a P. pinnatus Bat well into sub adult hood ( in the 240 ) dispite multiple fungus infections, i take no credit it was an amazing fish, believe it or not it readily accepted flakes. Even though its colors became very drab, and it got quite large, it was still a show piece to me.
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