Off topic but help please


New Member
This may seem weird but anyhow. Ok I own a landscape company in the Daytona Beach, FL area, we were installing a Canary Island Date palm, and when we unwrapped the burlap from the root-ball of the tree, we found about 10 eggs. This was about 1.5-2months ago. I brought the eggs home put them in a container with soil and stuck them in my garage, I forgot about them till yesterday when they HATCHED! Any idea what kind of snakes these are? Not sure what I am going to do with them because Im not a huge fan of snakes.




If you found them in the wild you can just let them go again. Find a foresty area and just let them do their thing. You certainly don't have to keep them if you don't want.
This may seem weird but anyhow. Ok I own a landscape company in the Daytona Beach, FL area, we were installing a Canary Island Date palm, and when we unwrapped the burlap from the root-ball of the tree, we found about 10 eggs. This was about 1.5-2months ago. I brought the eggs home put them in a container with soil and stuck them in my garage, I forgot about them till yesterday when they HATCHED! Any idea what kind of snakes these are? Not sure what I am going to do with them because Im not a huge fan of snakes.





I am unfamiliar with plants and the import laws for plant in the USA (I'm Canadian). But, was the tree imported, or was it cultured in the States? The babies are Racers. They mostly all start off looking the same, if the tree came from a different state or country, it would be easier to narrow it down. Don't let them go. At least until you are sure that the are found in the Daytona area. maybe you can take them over to Glades or a closer reptile dealer and have them give a more positive I.D. on the exact racer they may be. They could be of the family Masticophis or Coluber? Not A corn snake however.
Also, it isn't required to take them to a vet.
Good Luck.
yes the tree was taken from a Tree farm in the daytona beach area. Are you postive they are racers? the closest reptile shop is like 45min away (they all closed down). Im just nervous putting my hand in the cage, and Im trying to find out how to take care of them, what to offer for food, etc...
I also agree with Willardi about not releasing them.
As a rule of thumb once kept always kept.
I do humbly appologize my post should have stated "those look like kings".
I keep mountain kings.
I still think that if you found them in the "wild" and they're native to the area, they'll do just fine. It's not like baby birds or mammals that have now accepted you as "mom," the snakes won't care. If you turn them over to a wildlife rescue/center that's all they'll do, just release them somewhere proper.
Okay, I feel I did not make myself clear, they are NOT Kings, or Corns or anything else you may want to guess on. They are a racer, non venomous, a little nippy. I am not up on racers these days and am too lazy to bother looking any fun facts up. However, they should key out as either Black racers, or Eastern Coachwhips (don't know if they are found in your range).
The trouble with letting them go in the wild, is if they are not native, they are invasive.
To the OP, trust me, I actually do know what I am talking about.
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