ok final decision.


New Member
ok so i was talking about ordering a new cage and all and got to thinking. its would be better to just build my own. i know what its going to look like and all but i dont know much about what they should be like and what they should have or not have. so i was looking for all your tips and ways on building cages. and pictures on your built one would also be appreciated thanks :D
I just built my own cage and i used an old entertainment center. I just cut out the holes on the sides and screened it all and viola instant awesome cage:D
It's alot easier just to buy one.
I just spent 50 bucks to make some small cages for the babies and
it ended up sucking!
If your planning on free ranging crickets make sure its super "air tight" lol
or they'll get out.
Thats what happed to me :p
I had to throw them away :(
ne who here a great build,

I would have to disagree. It is very easy to build and make plans. I have quite a few saved if you would like any. Wood is very easy to work with, looks great and it's very cheap. Once you build one you will want to make a bunch!
I would have to disagree. It is very easy to build and make plans. I have quite a few saved if you would like any. Wood is very easy to work with, looks great and it's very cheap. Once you build one you will want to make a bunch!

HAHAHA NO kidding i want to build cham cages for the chams i don't have yet:D
Well it all depends on the person,
Im not good with wood or anything like that,
So for me it would be easier to just buy one.
And for every one else that isnt good with wood :p
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