Okay I need some Dubia colony help...


New Member
I started a colony and already I have tons of little babies roaming around..how do you all go about separating Dubia according to sizes so that you can keep your breeding adults in a bin and maybe take the babies out and into their own bin.. or does everyone just leave them all mixed in?? What do you guy think? To sort or not to sort, and if you do sort.. how do you go about it? Thanks to the people in here that are always answering my questions as I realize I have many of them!
I sort adults out as I feed, continually starting new bins of adults and emptying the bins I'm feeding out of. Once fed out, I clean the bin thoroughly, start feeding out of a new bin, and start again.
I use two buckets. I drilled 1/4" holes in the bottom of the bucket I keep my colony in and then placed the colony bucket into an empty bucket. Anytime I want feeders I just shake the two buckets. The nymphs fall through the holes and the adults don't.
I just recently read a post on here with photos and details on how to make the two bucket housing that sguiltinan was talking about. I just started a colony as well and thought what a great idea! You could probably find it through the search engine,it was an older post. I am interested in finding it again, if I do I will post the link.
I tried finding that link and couldn't find the thread. I was wanting to get the supplies need to set up a colony, and the bucket idea sounds awesome:(
Is the 3x5 air vent hole that is in the side of the bucket in the top bucket allowing of air to the bottom bucket? Or is it on the bottom bucket? I'm going to go get the supplys for this.;)
I keep all mine together at the moment (as a feeder colony), I am considering setting up a separate colony (as a breeder colony). Just don't have the space (being in a wheelchair sucks, don't have the vertical reach I used to :() to do so at the moment.
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