Oliver Update


Established Member
Happy New Year and a belated Merry Christmas! Hope everyones was well and good. :)

*Disclamier!* Not the best quality photos, sorry! :eek:

Anyway Ollie has grown at least an inch or two since the summer and has certainly gotten fatter! I swear by horn and silk worms, after about a week with them, he has "green-ed" over and adapted a lot of pretty pastel colors.
(The first one is the most recent and the other two are about a month old)
He is growing, just slowly....I have yet to get a fecal done just to be sure nothing internally inhibiting his growth, but for now I think he is fine.
He's a healthy boy; eats,drinks,sheds and poops and I couldn't ask for a better chameleon. :)



And Im sure someone will question poor Oliver's gender :p but trust me he is a boy....his 'package' seems a bit large and I just hope the rest of him will catch up soon :p

Thanks, have a great new year! :D
These are from today. Does he look okay? Im paranoid he's going to developed mbd or some random disease :O Stupid Texas weather has been too cold and I haven't been able to take him outside for some sun.


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Very handsome little man. He looks fine to me. Has he has a check up and fecal? A fecal is an excellent thing to do for your chams. :)
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