OMG!! Look what I found!! Help don't know what to do!!!

Congrats on the baby. I had them too & even though I offered them food right away, they didn't eat until the third day. Yours should be fine when you get him food...

Hi everyone thanks so much for the support and the great ideas!!! I decided to name him Griffin :) He looked like a little Griffin when I first saw him sitting on his little branch check out this link for what a Griffin is

Today Griffin is doing great in his new home. I know what you're all going to say about this but he is in a 30gal tall glass planted tank. Yes I said Glass :eek: But it has a small ventilation fan the humidity ranges from 70-90% and the temp is around 78 degrees which is perfect for a little Jackson's. He has a 5.0 reptisun UVB florescent and I'm not using any heat lamp.

He isn't shy at all. He has plenty of cover but prefers to sit out in the open. He is very alert and drinking well.

Today I went to every pet store in my area including Petco in S Portland Maine and none of them have fruit flies.
Petco did have tiny itty-bitty meal worms (a pleasant surprise and they only had one container of them!!) Griffin ate 3 of them one after the other with relish!!! He was definitely a hungry boy and gobbled them right up. I know they aren't healthy but they are better then least he has something to tide him over until I get my fruit flies from Harry.

Harry (warpdrive) has overnighted some fruit flies and they will be here tomorrow morning. I can't thank him enough for going the extra mile for me and my new baby..Just too outstanding to put into words!! Thanks Harry!!!!! :):):)

Griffin's Mom, Rosie, is doing very well..eating and drinking like a champ..her color is really good. I think that's it for doesn't look like she's going to have any more. But, what do I know???..I didn't know she was going to have any to begin with :p Mom and son are now asleep and they look very happy and peaceful :):)
I don't think glass is shunned for a baby....I love Griffon as a name, though I always spell it Gryphon.

Yay Warpdrive!!!
Petco in south portland rarely has much, but Ive seen little Tubes of Fruit Flies at Topsham, Auburn, and Augusta Petco Storesand the Augusta Petsmart. If they aren't with the Reptile food They are next to the Cash Registers
Wow ! what a surprise :eek: they are gorgeous - i hope you have managed to set them up okay now. Oh and congrats too :D
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