On fire Pt.2


Avid Member
The Incredible Hulk. He is a huge soft cuddly teddy bear.


Hulk On fire
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WOW he's awesome!! SO orange :D

Thank you.


This is great!

(I dont think its safe to spray paint your chameleon though)

LOL ty, the key in any good paint job is your prep work. Can you imagine how long it took to mask off all the white. Wont be doing that again :p

Absolutely gorgeous

Thank you.

2 words: AWE and SOME!!! :D

Thank you.

I'd say he's smokin!!!!!!!!!! Wow!

He is official now! The sambava queen approves! :D

wow, stunning!

Thank you.

Beautiful :D I love his "on fire" pic :D

Thank you. I was feeding him and he got all excited. So im standing there with my a cricket between my fingers yelling "get the camera". LOL

sickkk. Did this guy come from Kilgore?

Thank you. He did not come from kilgour. He is a rantabe off spring.

Awesome animal. Do you plan on breeding him?

Thank you. Yes, we will have some little hulks running around soon enough :)

I love me a good orangre crush...that guy is smokin

Thank you.
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