On with eye issues. Asking for additional advice.


Avid Member
So, I had my cham scheduled for a trip to the vet on the 13th. Without getting overly personal here, I’ve had to reschedule his appointment several times this month as a relative is battling a chronic illness and has gone to the emergency room this month numerous times (it also has not helped that my vet is only available so many days out of the month - most of his days are spent working at a zoo).

I’ve mentioned this here before, but I’ve noticed my chameleon rubbing his right eye along branches and keeping it shut off and on. I increased misting sessions, as well as upped the length of mistings (after lights on and before lights off) to give him the opportunity to clean out his eye turrets.. unfortunately, that has not helped. Not only has the issue with his right eye persisted, today I caught him with the left eye shut as well. So, eyes shut during the day.. also noticed light black bars along his spine - looks like stress colors to me. It’s obvious that a vet visit is imperative, but wondering if this might sound like a vitamin A deficiency to anyone else? I only JUST switched to Repashy LoD as his twice a month multivitamin and PrEformed A supplement. I didn’t realize until a few weeks ago that his Herptivite supplement (beta carotene only) was most likely inadequate, so he hasn’t been getting PrEformed A supplementation since he’s been with me (I got him on July 28th). I’ll post the husbandry form just to be sure I haven’t been missing the mark in other areas as well.

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?: 6 month old male panther, nosey be x ambilobe cross. He’s been with me since July 28th, so I’ve had him for nearly two months.
  • Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? 3-5 times to check his eye. In general, I make it a point not to handle him. I don’t want to cause him any undue stress unless absolutely necessary
  • Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? I try to provide him with a variety of feeders. Recently he’s been given a mix of crickets, dubia roaches, BSFL and pupated BS flies. He gets about 10-12 feeders daily since hitting the 6 month mark (going on 7). I like to give him about an hour to bask, and then I feed him around 10-11 am. I gutload with chopped yellow squash, green bell pepper and thawed blended cubes of homemade gutload (collard greens, mustard greens, sweet potato, zucchini, carrot, minimal amounts of apple and mango). I’ve been concerned about whether this form of gutload is adequate as I find a lot of it (seemingly) untouched the following morning and beginning to mold. I keep my bug room warmer than the rest of my house, so this is probably why it starts to mold overnight. I assume his feeders are getting their fill of it during the day as there are plenty of droppings in their bins. Old gutload is replaced with fresh food every morning.
  • Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule? I’ve JUST recently changed my vitamin supplement and schedule. I was using Repcal with no D3 at every feeding except for the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd of each month. On the 1st and 15th I was dusting with Repcal with D3, and on the 8th and 22nd I would dust with Herptivite. I just realized he hadn’t been getting any prEformed A since I got him in late July, so I’ve dropped Repcal with D3 and Herptivite. Moving forward, I will only be using Repashy LoD as his D3 and multivitamin with preformed A on the 1st and 15th of every month.
  • Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking? I mist quite a bit and offer a dripper during the day using ice cubes. He shows interest in the dripper daily, and I have seen him drink within the month. His misting schedule is as follows: 7 am - 5 minutes. 4:30 PM (an hour and a half after his basking light kicks off, but his sansei LED and Arcadia/daylight bulb are still on) - 3 minutes. 6:30 PM - 5 minutes. 8 pm - 3 minutes. 10 pm - 5 minutes. 2 and 4 pm - 3 minutes. 5:30 pm - 2 minutes. daytime schedule repeats at 7 am. Ive been misting so often because it has been challenging keeping RH levels up without it. I also want to give him the opportunity to drink and clean out his eye turrets both after he’s woken up and a couple hours before lights off.
  • Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? droppings have been large and solid. No smell when I walk by the cage, but I smell it when I pick it up so will be having a fecal float done (droppings aren’t overly smelly otherwise). Off-white/creamy to white urates. Overall I’d say his droppings look healthy, but I’m going to start cutting back on feeders.
  • History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you: he seems to be having persistent eye issues that I suspect (and hope) are due to a vitamin A deficiency.
Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?: He is in a 2’ x 2’ x 4’ all screen Reptibreeze, but 3 of 4 sides of the cage are covered in window shrink film. I will be replacing this with coroplast
  • Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?: For UVB, use an Arcadia 6% UVB strip light and plant daylight combo. Highest basking branch in his cage is about 9” away from it (he spends a lot of time on branch about an inch or two lower than it, which has me concerned that he’s not getting enough UVB. No solarmeter yet but will be getting one soon). It comes on at 6:30 AM and goes off at 7 PM. 60 W Phillips indoor flood light for basking, raised up on a wire basket a good 4 inches or so over the top of his cage. Kicks on at 9 AM and goes off at 3 PM. Basking area ranges from 83 to 86 F at the highest, but I use a muffin fan to bring it down to about 84F. I also have a Sansi LED grow light raised on a wire basket 4 inches above his cage as well. It kicks on at 7:30 AM, goes off at 6 pm.
  • Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps? All temps are measured with thermometer/hygrometer combos with probes several have gone wonky on me so I’ll need a new set. Also looking into GoVee). Top of the cage at basking ranges from 83 to 85 F (basking temp usually hits 86 F but I have the muffin fan kick on when that happens). Middle of the cage during the day usually sits at 74 F, and the bottom during the day is about the same or 2 degrees lower. At night, the top of the cage sits at 76-78 F. Lowest I’ve been able to get the middle and bottom at night with windows open and an evaporative cooler over the top is 68-71 F
  • Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?: RH levels are measured using the same thermometer/hygrometer combo with probes that I use to measure cage temps. Things are pretty dry here. I’m still struggling to keep the highest point of the cage (under the lights) over 38%. Middle and bottom of the cage comes down from 72% in the morning and sits at about 50-60% until the MistKing goes off at 4:30 pm (an hour and a half after the basking light goes off). I mist starting in the early evening and every 2 hours or so throughout the night to maintain high humidity.
  • Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?: All live. Two pothos at the top, two more pothos along the back and right side beneath the basking spot, an inch plant/wandering Jew near the middle of the cage, a spider plant at mid level and a large money tree as the center plant. I use cleaned and dried mulberry branches of different sizes as well.
  • Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?: Cage is located in my living room. There is a ceiling fan hanging a couple feet away from the top of the cage, and a floor air vent about 4 feet or so away from the table the cage is sitting on. Basking is just above my eye level. It’s high traffic in that my dog, my fiancé and myself spend the vast majority of our time in the living room when home (usually I’m home all day every day), but we aren’t up and moving a lot. Dog is usually on the couch asleep, TV set to low volume or off
  • Location - Where are you geographically located?: Central Valley California
Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about: My 6 month male panther chameleon, Beau, has been having an issue with his right eye. He’s been closing it during the day, and I’ve observed him rubbing it along branches. Twice this week I have caught him with both eyes closed during the day. I only recently switched from Herptivite with beta carotene to Repashy LoD. The breeder I got him from says it sounds like I’m doing everything right, so it could be a vitamin A deficiency. They also suggested I try Repashy Vitamin A Plus once a week or every 10 days to see if it is helpful.

I know there are other posts I haven’t got around to responding to just yet, I apologize! Lots going on here recently. I more than appreciate anyone that takes the time to look this over and respond.


Please Note:
  1. The more details you provide the better and more accurate help you will receive.
  2. Photos can be very helpful.
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So, I had my cham scheduled for a trip to the vet on the 13th. Without getting overly personal here, I’ve had to reschedule his appointment several times this month as a relative is battling a chronic illness and has gone to the emergency room this month numerous times (it also has not helped that my vet is only available so many days out of the month - most of his days are spent working at a zoo).

I’ve mentioned this here before, but I’ve noticed my chameleon rubbing his right eye along branches and keeping it shut off and on. I increased misting sessions, as well as upped the length of mistings (after lights on and before lights off) to give him the opportunity to clean out his eye turrets.. unfortunately, that has not helped. Not only has the issue with his right eye persisted, today I caught him with the left eye shut as well. So, eyes shut during the day.. also noticed light black bars along his spine - looks like stress colors to me. It’s obvious that a vet visit is imperative, but wondering if this might sound like a vitamin A deficiency to anyone else? I only JUST switched to Repashy LoD as his twice a month multivitamin and PrEformed A supplement. I didn’t realize until a few weeks ago that his Herptivite supplement (beta carotene only) was most likely inadequate, so he hasn’t been getting PrEformed A supplementation since he’s been with me (I got him on July 28th). I’ll post the husbandry form just to be sure I haven’t been missing the mark in other areas as well.

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?: 6 month old male panther, nosey be x ambilobe cross. He’s been with me since July 28th, so I’ve had him for nearly two months.
  • Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? 3-5 times to check his eye. In general, I make it a point not to handle him. I don’t want to cause him any undue stress unless absolutely necessary
  • Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? I try to provide him with a variety of feeders. Recently he’s been given a mix of crickets, dubia roaches, BSFL and pupated BS flies. He gets about 10-12 feeders daily since hitting the 6 month mark (going on 7). I like to give him about an hour to bask, and then I feed him around 10-11 am. I gutload with chopped yellow squash, green bell pepper and thawed blended cubes of homemade gutload (collard greens, mustard greens, sweet potato, zucchini, carrot, minimal amounts of apple and mango). I’ve been concerned about whether this form of gutload is adequate as I find a lot of it (seemingly) untouched the following morning and beginning to mold. I keep my bug room warmer than the rest of my house, so this is probably why it starts to mold overnight. I assume his feeders are getting their fill of it during the day as there are plenty of droppings in their bins. Old gutload is replaced with fresh food every morning.
  • Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule? I’ve JUST recently changed my vitamin supplement and schedule. I was using Repcal with no D3 at every feeding except for the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd of each month. On the 1st and 15th I was dusting with Repcal with D3, and on the 8th and 22nd I would dust with Herptivite. I just realized he hadn’t been getting any prEformed A since I got him in late July, so I’ve dropped Repcal with D3 and Herptivite. Moving forward, I will only be using Repashy LoD as his D3 and multivitamin with preformed A on the 1st and 15th of every month.
  • Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking? I mist quite a bit and offer a dripper during the day using ice cubes. He shows interest in the dripper daily, and I have seen him drink within the month. His misting schedule is as follows: 7 am - 5 minutes. 4:30 PM (an hour and a half after his basking light kicks off, but his sansei LED and Arcadia/daylight bulb are still on) - 3 minutes. 6:30 PM - 5 minutes. 8 pm - 3 minutes. 10 pm - 5 minutes. 2 and 4 pm - 3 minutes. 5:30 pm - 2 minutes. daytime schedule repeats at 7 am. Ive been misting so often because it has been challenging keeping RH levels up without it. I also want to give him the opportunity to drink and clean out his eye turrets both after he’s woken up and a couple hours before lights off.
  • Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? droppings have been large and solid. No smell when I walk by the cage, but I smell it when I pick it up so will be having a fecal float done (droppings aren’t overly smelly otherwise). Off-white/creamy to white urates. Overall I’d say his droppings look healthy, but I’m going to start cutting back on feeders.
  • History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you: he seems to be having persistent eye issues that I suspect (and hope) are due to a vitamin A deficiency.
Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?: He is in a 2’ x 2’ x 4’ all screen Reptibreeze, but 3 of 4 sides of the cage are covered in window shrink film. I will be replacing this with coroplast
  • Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?: For UVB, use an Arcadia 6% UVB strip light and plant daylight combo. Highest basking branch in his cage is about 9” away from it (he spends a lot of time on branch about an inch or two lower than it, which has me concerned that he’s not getting enough UVB. No solarmeter yet but will be getting one soon). It comes on at 6:30 AM and goes off at 7 PM. 60 W Phillips indoor flood light for basking, raised up on a wire basket a good 4 inches or so over the top of his cage. Kicks on at 9 AM and goes off at 3 PM. Basking area ranges from 83 to 86 F at the highest, but I use a muffin fan to bring it down to about 84F. I also have a Sansi LED grow light raised on a wire basket 4 inches above his cage as well. It kicks on at 7:30 AM, goes off at 6 pm.
  • Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps? All temps are measured with thermometer/hygrometer combos with probes several have gone wonky on me so I’ll need a new set. Also looking into GoVee). Top of the cage at basking ranges from 83 to 85 F (basking temp usually hits 86 F but I have the muffin fan kick on when that happens). Middle of the cage during the day usually sits at 74 F, and the bottom during the day is about the same or 2 degrees lower. At night, the top of the cage sits at 76-78 F. Lowest I’ve been able to get the middle and bottom at night with windows open and an evaporative cooler over the top is 68-71 F
  • Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?: RH levels are measured using the same thermometer/hygrometer combo with probes that I use to measure cage temps. Things are pretty dry here. I’m still struggling to keep the highest point of the cage (under the lights) over 38%. Middle and bottom of the cage comes down from 72% in the morning and sits at about 50-60% until the MistKing goes off at 4:30 pm (an hour and a half after the basking light goes off). I mist starting in the early evening and every 2 hours or so throughout the night to maintain high humidity.
  • Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?: All live. Two pothos at the top, two more pothos along the back and right side beneath the basking spot, an inch plant/wandering Jew near the middle of the cage, a spider plant at mid level and a large money tree as the center plant. I use cleaned and dried mulberry branches of different sizes as well.
  • Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?: Cage is located in my living room. There is a ceiling fan hanging a couple feet away from the top of the cage, and a floor air vent about 4 feet or so away from the table the cage is sitting on. Basking is just above my eye level. It’s high traffic in that my dog, my fiancé and myself spend the vast majority of our time in the living room when home (usually I’m home all day every day), but we aren’t up and moving a lot. Dog is usually on the couch asleep, TV set to low volume or off
  • Location - Where are you geographically located?: Central Valley California
Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about: My 6 month male panther chameleon, Beau, has been having an issue with his right eye. He’s been closing it during the day, and I’ve observed him rubbing it along branches. Twice this week I have caught him with both eyes closed during the day. I only recently switched from Herptivite with beta carotene to Repashy LoD. The breeder I got him from says it sounds like I’m doing everything right, so it could be a vitamin A deficiency. They also suggested I try Repashy Vitamin A Plus once a week or every 10 days to see if it is helpful.

I know there are other posts I haven’t got around to responding to just yet, I apologize! Lots going on here recently. I more than appreciate anyone that takes the time to look this over and respond.


Please Note:
  1. The more details you provide the better and more accurate help you will receive.
  2. Photos can be very helpful.
Please give me a picture of his eye and the Cham my chameleon had eye problems and he was rubbing it on branches


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Hi all,

I will be sure to get pics of him as well as his enclosure tomorrow. Lights were out by the time I posted this, it’s 11 pm currently and he’s still asleep. As soon as I catch him with one or both eyes shut tomorrow, I’ll be sure to get a few pictures.
Here’s several photos.. full cage, lighting, pics of him from this morning to show where his highest branches are relative to his lighting, and two pics of him with eye/eyes closed. I couldn’t tell if he had both closed, but given that I caught him with both eyes closed yesterday I assume that he had both shut when these pictures were taken (second pic of him with eyes closed includes some of the darker coloration along his spine I mentioned in my initial post). I also caught him rubbing his left eye in a branch this morning.

**I also wanted to add that the pothos on the top right has been getting droopy and leggy on me, so I’ll be replacing it with something else. All of the other live plants in the cage seem to be growing/filling in well.


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Here’s several photos.. full cage, lighting, pics of him from this morning to show where his highest branches are relative to his lighting, and two pics of him with eye/eyes closed. I couldn’t tell if he had both closed, but given that I caught him with both eyes closed yesterday I assume that he had both shut when these pictures were taken (second pic of him with eyes closed includes some of the darker coloration along his spine I mentioned in my initial post). I also caught him rubbing his left eye in a branch this morning.

**I also wanted to add that the pothos on the top right has been getting droopy and leggy on me, so I’ll be replacing it with something else. All of the other live plants in the cage seem to be growing/filling in well.
For UVB, use an Arcadia 6% UVB strip light and plant daylight combo.
Ok does this fixture share one reflector for both bulbs? Or does the reflector come down in between the bulbs? This makes a big difference with output... Looks to me like it is one reflector that both bulbs share without the separator in between. This would reduce the UVI out put because of the other bulb and the lack of individual reflectors.
I will only be using Repashy LoD as his D3 and multivitamin with preformed A on the 1st and 15th of every month.
How many doses has he actually had so far?
They also suggested I try Repashy Vitamin A Plus once a week or every 10 days to see if it is helpful.
Personally I would not use this. It is a massive dose of vitamin A and with it being fat soluble your risking a lot giving this not to mention giving it every 10 days.
Ok does this fixture share one reflector for both bulbs? Or does the reflector come down in between the bulbs? This makes a big difference with output... Looks to me like it is one reflector that both bulbs share without the separator in between. This would reduce the UVI out put because of the other bulb and the lack of individual reflectors.

How many doses has he actually had so far?

Personally I would not use this. It is a massive dose of vitamin A and with it being fat soluble your risking a lot giving this not to mention giving it every 10 days.
So far, he has only had one dose of LoD. He got his Repcal with D3 on the 1st and the 15th already. He was also given the Herptivite on the 8th and 22nd this month (I was expecting the Repashy LoD with his bug shipment, but Rainbow Mealworms didn’t send it. I had to wait an additional week for the Repashy to show). I decided to go ahead and dust his feeders with the LoD on the following day, The 23rd. Definitely second guessing having done that now, I just wanted to be sure he was getting preformed A. His dual fixture does in fact share a reflector :( should I remove the daylight bulb? Or replace the fixture entirely? Glad I brought up the Vitamin A Plus. I don’t want to further compound an already existing issue by ODing him on vitamins..
So far, he has only had one dose of LoD. He got his Repcal with D3 on the 1st and the 15th already. He was also given the Herptivite on the 8th and 22nd this month (I was expecting the Repashy LoD with his bug shipment, but Rainbow Mealworms didn’t send it. I had to wait an additional week for the Repashy to show). I decided to go ahead and dust his feeders with the LoD on the following day, The 23rd. Definitely second guessing having done that now, I just wanted to be sure he was getting preformed A. His dual fixture does in fact share a reflector :( should I remove the daylight bulb? Or replace the fixture entirely? Glad I brought up the Vitamin A Plus. I don’t want to further compound an already existing issue by ODing him on vitamins..
I do not think there is any issue of overdose so I would not be worried about that...
I think it is a uvb issue. The vivosun dual fixtures are better because the reflector comes down between the bulbs. So no reduction in uvb. If you were to replace it with another dual then that is what I would buy. The only way to know what your output is on yours is a solarmeter but I can guarantee that he is not getting a 3 uvi at 9 inches with them sharing the reflector. Also if the reflector is low quality this can cause a further reduction.

This would cause eyes closing if he is not getting the uvb output he needs.
I do not think there is any issue of overdose so I would not be worried about that...
I think it is a uvb issue. The vivosun dual fixtures are better because the reflector comes down between the bulbs. So no reduction in uvb. If you were to replace it with another dual then that is what I would buy. The only way to know what your output is on yours is a solarmeter but I can guarantee that he is not getting a 3 uvi at 9 inches with them sharing the reflector. Also if the reflector is low quality this can cause a further reduction.

This would cause eyes closing if he is not getting the uvb output he needs.
Thank you so much. UVB issues scare the heck out of me so I will be correcting this right away.
Thank you so much. UVB issues scare the heck out of me so I will be correcting this right away.
Looking at everything that is the only thing I can see standing out.
I ran a quad with a single reflector and literally had to use a 12% bulb with it and the basking branch had to be closer just to get a 3 UVI. I was very thankful I went out and bought a solarmeter quickly or I could have dealt with some serious MBD issues. At the time it was hard to get specifics when I started out on distance, fixtures, and bulbs.

What I can tell you is with the vivosun and a 6% you would have basking at the 8-9 inches down. This will make the uvi an approximate 3 UVI> With your shared dual the only thing I can say is your definitely getting a lower UVI output due to the reduction from the other bulb and the shared reflector.

This is the vivosun I am talking about for a replacement https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RTVD1H...=2EFbq&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_0_title
Looking at everything that is the only thing I can see standing out.
I ran a quad with a single reflector and literally had to use a 12% bulb with it and the basking branch had to be closer just to get a 3 UVI. I was very thankful I went out and bought a solarmeter quickly or I could have dealt with some serious MBD issues. At the time it was hard to get specifics when I started out on distance, fixtures, and bulbs.

What I can tell you is with the vivosun and a 6% you would have basking at the 8-9 inches down. This will make the uvi an approximate 3 UVI> With your shared dual the only thing I can say is your definitely getting a lower UVI output due to the reduction from the other bulb and the shared reflector.

This is the vivosun I am talking about for a replacement https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RTVD1H...=2EFbq&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_mcd_asin_0_title
I’m so glad that you were able get on top of it for your cham’s sake. All this time and I never would have figured it out without asking. I never would have guessed a single reflector for both bulbs could pose an issue. And the fixture you’ve linked to is exactly the one I searched for and bought! I’m glad to have done something right, lol. A solarmeter will absolutely be next. I‘ve felt sick about this since yesterday. This would mean Beau has gone without proper UVB for nearly 2 months. I don’t see any signs of MDB in his jaw or limbs yet and I hope I caught it early enough to correct.

This whole experience has me wanting to do a write-up on things new cham owners should absolutely know. As always, thank you so much for taking the time to go over everything.
I’m so glad that you were able get on top of it for your cham’s sake. All this time and I never would have figured it out without asking. I never would have guessed a single reflector for both bulbs could pose an issue. And the fixture you’ve linked to is exactly the one I searched for and bought! I’m glad to have done something right, lol. A solarmeter will absolutely be next. I‘ve felt sick about this since yesterday. This would mean Beau has gone without proper UVB for nearly 2 months. I don’t see any signs of MDB in his jaw or limbs yet and I hope I caught it early enough to correct.

This whole experience has me wanting to do a write-up on things new cham owners should absolutely know. As always, thank you so much for taking the time to go over everything.
It would mean lower levels than the 3 uvi at basking. But they can do ok with lower levels... Depending on how low they are. Chams used to be raised on 1-2 UVI levels. But supplementation was different for them. This is the thing supplement and UVI level go hand in hand. So if you supplementing for a 3 UVI but really getting a 1 UVI than they may not be able to convert enough light into usable D3. So you start seeing issues.

It is an easy mistake to make. So many things go into UVB and fixtures blah blah blah. It is all very confusing and a lot to try to wrap your head around. But you are correcting it so lets see if this gives him what he needs. This combined with being on the new supplement I would say should fix what your seeing.
It would mean lower levels than the 3 uvi at basking. But they can do ok with lower levels... Depending on how low they are. Chams used to be raised on 1-2 UVI levels. But supplementation was different for them. This is the thing supplement and UVI level go hand in hand. So if you supplementing for a 3 UVI but really getting a 1 UVI than they may not be able to convert enough light into usable D3. So you start seeing issues.

It is an easy mistake to make. So many things go into UVB and fixtures blah blah blah. It is all very confusing and a lot to try to wrap your head around. But you are correcting it so lets see if this gives him what he needs. This combined with being on the new supplement I would say should fix what your seeing.
Again, thank you so much for pointing it out. I’m definitely hoping and praying that the recent corrections clear this up. The downside is I’ve got to wait until Wednesday for the fixture to get here 😵‍ Wednesday can’t come soon enough!
Again, thank you so much for pointing it out. I’m definitely hoping and praying that the recent corrections clear this up. The downside is I’ve got to wait until Wednesday for the fixture to get here 😵‍ Wednesday can’t come soon enough!
only one more day now ;)

Do let me know what kind of response you see. He may be a little pissy about the new light fixture. It will put out more light then the dual you have been using. So it may take him a few days to adjust or he may be all about it right off the bat.
only one more day now ;)

Do let me know what kind of response you see. He may be a little pissy about the new light fixture. It will put out more light then the dual you have been using. So it may take him a few days to adjust or he may be all about it right off the bat.
I will most definitely keep you update, and thank you for the heads up on that! I think “pissy” is the perfect adjective to describe basically any species of chameleon 😂
only one more day now ;)

Do let me know what kind of response you see. He may be a little pissy about the new light fixture. It will put out more light then the dual you have been using. So it may take him a few days to adjust or he may be all about it right off the bat.
So, he actually didn’t get pissy at all. He seemed to appreciate the extra output! I do think he’s doing a bit better, but his right eye is still bothering him. I’m catching him with his left eye open and the right eye still shut. I’d hoped that would change with the next shed and it hasn’t, so vet time :/
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