One month hunger strike help!!

Thanks for all the replies. I think I am going to get some BB flies. They're pretty cheap and I want to test out some flying bugs.

Hmmm, maybe not the best idea. From what you say about the superworms as well it is really a classic hunger strike. He is being a naughty boy and he should eat his 'vegetables' (crickets) before he gets his 'desert' (worms/flies). Just my advice.
If you offer only crickets he will eat them (before he starves I promise......)
Alright, I'll hold off on the flies, I have a colony of roaches that I was planning to switch too before he became stubborn. So I can just do the same thing with the roaches right?
Alright, I'll hold off on the flies, I have a colony of roaches that I was planning to switch too before he became stubborn. So I can just do the same thing with the roaches right?

You can try....has he ever liked roaches though? You might have better luck if you take him back to school so to speak and give him what he was raised on. You obviously don't want to waste the roaches so actually I say just the roaches for a week, then try crickets as well. Once he works out what's up you might just have him........
Do you know if this Cham is wild caught or captive bred. I've ran into this type of issue with wild caught reptiles they get pairicites and keeps them looking healthy but they only eat once a day if this is the case rept aid is what you need!
I tried introducing the roaches while the hunger strike was full force so hes never cared for them. And im not sure if hes wc or not. I got him from a local pet store who had a very nive steup for their chams but that doesnt mean much really. A vet visit is due anyway, ill have him tested.
I truly dont think the strike is due to parasites but it is better to be safe than sorry.

Hes not eating much so im sure he doesnt have much feces but it would be ideal to get a fresh poo (of any size) to take into the vet for analysis. Two ways will tpyically get them to defecate. 1. If he has been inside for sometime now. If your weather permits take him outside for some natural sunshine. Its like a laxtive to them :) 2. Nice warm "Long" shower.

Try to collect the poo as soon as you see it and if your vet is open take it into them as soon as you possibly can.

I agree with david. As long as he is of good weight. The process to getting back on track is not going to be easy for you in particular. Right now you are stressing cause he has little to no appetite and you want him to be a little piggy. It can be a long road to recovery but you are going to have to put up your soft feelings and trade them in for some macho man randy savage feelings. You know whats best for your kid and your going to have to be the one to put him back in line. If your animal was mine in good appearant physical condition i would A. Make sure the animal is well hydrated. B. Temps and lighting is operating correctly C. I would start by not offering any feeders for 5-7 days. On the 6th or 7th or even the 8th day (which ever day you cave in on :p). I would offer one cricket or roach. Which ever you want to be his staple. Offer him one and see the reaction. If you dont see any interest, leave one or two insects free ranged for 30 minutes and pull them if you dont see them gone. (dont stand there watching this. leave for 30 minutes and come back). Repeat the process. Chameleons of normal weight that go on a strike can go a good distance without a meal. Just be sure the animal is well hydrated during this time and all other husbandry aspects are correct. D. Have a fecal done.

I dont envy you one bit and wish you and him the best of luck.
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