One more time - Sex this baby please


Avid Member
The bigger this one gets the more uncertain I am if its male or female. Can you guys please take another look and let me know what you think? I am leaning toward female at this point. Thanks
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no problem.
you can usually tell if a panther is a fermale because is will have pinkish, grey coloration. and you can look and the "hemipenal bulge" the males will have a little bump by there butt because of the hemipenis.
glad i could help.
Yeah, I have been able to tell them apart in the past but this one started out looking more male due to the thicker tail base but as she is growing it is apparent she is a she.
I was gonna say that was a def female until I saw pic 3. Now I know why you were second guessing yourself a bit. Shes gonna be a keeper. I'd hold her back and see how she turns out.
I was gonna say that was a def female until I saw pic 3. Now I know why you were second guessing yourself a bit. Shes gonna be a keeper. I'd hold her back and see how she turns out.

Thanks Scott. She grew quicker than the rest and has real personality to her already hand feeds. She is 3 months as of today and has to be 8" head to tail. I plan to hang on to her to see how she turns out. I have found its harder to let go of these guys than I thought. If I'm not careful I may end up with 20 cages in my cham room!
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