Oops I did it again!


New Member
I went to the Tampa show and picked up a beautiful girlfriend from Mike(FL Chams) for Leon the Chameleon! Meet Carla Chameleon! I should have beautiful babies in ohhhhh say over a year! :)
What a beauti!! i wish i could get diezel a partner but i have my hands full with one chameleon!
She is 10 months...and it's funny that I said then that I would have babies in a year, and those eggs are due to hatch in April!
It is so funny how these threads get resurrected!

She looks great:), how big is she?

She is a big MEAN girl-I would have to say 14-15" at least total length. She will come right up to the front of the cage to eat or drink from the spray bottle, but if she thinks you will try to grab her watch out! She lays her head bak and hisses a long loud hiss, and she will bite! She is my best eater, and the funniest to deal with! She makes faces and tilts her head to watch me talk.

And Poh-In April I was completely addicted, and it has only gotten worse!
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