Oops - Kinyongia Boehmei

Saying tearful goodbyes to Porcini. This last clutch, and the pain from her injury, have been too much for her. I am thankful to have been home this week to spend time with her and sit outside.

I have no illusions of being a chameleon whisperer - but Porcini is the third chameleon I’ve lost who became extremely clingy in her final hours. Desi, Donnie, and now Porcini - all very social, very special creatures. They all reached for me to pick them up and refused to leave… maybe they trust I will keep them safe, quiet and comfortable. Maybe they are saying goodbye. Idk, but they are heartbreakingly bittersweet moments that help me to come to terms with goodbye. So many people don’t understand grieving a pet that is not the standard dog or cat…. Grief comes from a place of love and there are no limits to love. 💔
Noooo. 😢 I’m so very sorry. (((💗)))
So very sorry for your loss. It’s never easy.

You said…”They all reached for me to pick them up and refused to leave… maybe they trust I will keep them safe, quiet and comfortable. Maybe they are saying goodbye”…I wouldn’t be surprised that there is something to this with some animals.

Hugs and my thoughts are with you. Keep Porcini in your heart with the others.
Noooooo 😢😢 damn that’s sad news. R.I.P. Porcini may you enjoy your flies in your cloud tree, together with Desi and Donnie 🙏🏻

Since the first time you wrote about this behavior, I’m in constant alert with similar behavior from Ranjo. I think they’re intelligent enough for it…….
Saying tearful goodbyes to Porcini. This last clutch, and the pain from her injury, have been too much for her. I am thankful to have been home this week to spend time with her and sit outside.

I have no illusions of being a chameleon whisperer - but Porcini is the third chameleon I’ve lost who became extremely clingy in her final hours. Desi, Donnie, and now Porcini - all very social, very special creatures. They all reached for me to pick them up and refused to leave… maybe they trust I will keep them safe, quiet and comfortable. Maybe they are saying goodbye. Idk, but they are heartbreakingly bittersweet moments that help me to come to terms with goodbye. So many people don’t understand grieving a pet that is not the standard dog or cat…. Grief comes from a place of love and there are no limits to love. 💔
Oh no. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you much love ❤️❤️❤️
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