open mouth

That could mean either he is too hot or he has a respiratory infection. Do you see alot of saliva in his mouth? what are the temps in your cage?
That could mean either he is too hot or he has a respiratory infection. Do you see alot of saliva in his mouth? what are the temps in your cage?

i think hes hot i misted him already nd he seems to be fine now hes sleepinh noe
What are the temps and humidity?

the temp is about 80 bro cuss i live in the desert humidity its around 60 but im gonna put him in the big cage tommorow nd i got him the pothos nd ficus so ill see the temps tommorow when hes in the bbig cage nd also i had him outside today nd it was hot nd thats when he opened his mouth so i put him inside after that but its hot in the house but we got the air condition on not to cold niether
U might have your heat lamp to close to his basking spot ,separate the branch from the light more
oh nd also he started opening his mouth cuss he ate a horn worm nd it was to big but i couldnt pull it out his mouth so he ate it all nd thats when he started opening hes mouth but hopefully he wakes up good tommroow i bellieve he will
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