opening and closing his mouth... problem?


New Member
I had to leave town for 3 mths and my girlfriend is taking care of my 10 mth old Male Ambilobe PC. She may be overly sensitive and paranoid, but she says when she looked at him yesterday and this morning he will open and close his mouth, not very wide. Sounds like he's simply drinking the dew from his nose. He is auto misted right before the lights go on in the morn. but she's nervous and I wanted to check to see if I should if any of you can alert me to potential problems. He seems to be eating regularly. Before I left, he would tend to gape any time the basking area was too much hotter than 80, but I adjusted and it sits around 75-80.

thanks for your help!
Is she able to post a picture for us to see? It might be helpful to have her join the forum so we can help work with her directly and help guide her with any questions and problems that might arise while you are away.
She was running to work this morning so no time to hop on forum. She took these pictures this morning but none with his mouth open.He certainly looks fine to me. I'll keep monitoring him and get Lesley on the post if necessary.


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BTW: has anyone experience gaping at a basking area around 85 degrees? Seems a little low for gaping, but he stopped when temp is 75-80 degrees.
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