Opinion on Can O' Crickets


New Member
I was searching to buy a ton of crickets online and found the Zoo Med Can O' Crickets. It would be easier for me to give to Reptar and Angelica but is it something my chameleons would like? If not can someone help me find a website that sells live crickets? The pet store I have been going to no longer sells medium sized crickets!
Well usually, chameleons don't eat dead insects. I know mine will NEVER eat them. Usually depends on the cham. Another good alternative would be buying worms online. I do not know if crickets are sold online. Probably, but they would be a little hard to find. Also a good thing if the store doesn't have any live insects is to walk around your house with the chameleon on your hand and try to catch flies. This gives them the freedom to experience new insects (if they haven't had any of those), for they should eat a lot of different insects. And also, what did you mean about separating the chams? I didn't quite understand that...
Ghanns cricket farm sells them in bulk. Chams do not eat dead prey, so no on the can of crickets. Also, would not recommend having your chameleon eat houseflies as you do not know what they have been eating. They are parasites and will eat dead and rotting food, poop and who knows what else. You can get some Phoenix Worms and hatch them into soldier flies if you wanna feed flies. Try some silkworms too. They are a good feeder and you can buy them online at Coastal Silworms or Mulberry Farms depending on where you live.
Oh I don't think your being a downer, I appreciate any help I can recieve :D

Thanks for the websites, having the food shipped to my house will help dramatically with my busy schedule!!
I'll second what carol says!!! But just wondering, what part of the country are you located..theres got to be some other pet stores there that sell different sizes of crickets???!!!
Ohh and if someone sees this, please reply! Ive tried to find food everywhere for my chameleon and the pet store i go to didnt have any when i went to the store. He hasnt eaten in a while (no crickets, worms, nothing). All he has eaten is a house fly and since someone replied that they dont eat well, i will stop. But what should i give him?? The store said crickets will arrive in between wednesday - friday. Thats outrageous!! He will starve :eek: btw hes a jackson about 3 months old (or less hes kinda small)
I was searching to buy a ton of crickets online and found the Zoo Med Can O' Crickets. It would be easier for me to give to Reptar and Angelica but is it something my chameleons would like? If not can someone help me find a website that sells live crickets? The pet store I have been going to no longer sells medium sized crickets!

Can of crickets = bad idea
places to buy:
3 months he should be fine eating small crickets if thats all you have available until you can order them on in the top right corner of this website there is usually a banner for a cricket seller they usually are like $0.04 each when you buy in bulk
Crickets online:

IMO I have found that Ghanns have the best priced crickets. (Right now they are donig a awesome sale on 1/2" crickets/food/etc). They can be found at : http://www.ghann.com/

I also have had great success with http://www.reptilefood.com/

Both places offer great shipping for any climate (I live in Nebraska, it can get cold here in the winter and hot in the summer) and have excellent cricket turnout (very few DOA).

I have a Veiled Chameleon and a Bearded Dragon who both eat ALOT of crickets (they get a bit greedy sometimes). I order 1k-2k at a time and they last about a month~2 months at our house.

IF you do order crickets in bulk, ENSURE you have a PLACE for them PRIOR to arrival-along with food and water (they eat more than the chams do I think!!) There is nothing worse than getting 1k-2k crickets in the mail and not having somewhere to put them (LARGE tupperware tub with METAL screen glued to lid for ventilation works well, and it doesnt take up much room)

IF you need any more advice on crickets, let me know. I have a few easy set ups for cricket care.

Good luck and have fun with your Cham! :D
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