Opinions on hornworms

Chameleon Creator

New Member
Hello everyone, I'm hoping to have some people with previous experience and whom are knowledgable to answer some questions about hornworms.
Can they be used as a staple?
How many worms per feeding?
Can they become too large to consume for a chameleon?
Any other questions welcome
I don't like the idea of using any one feeder as a staple, but horn-worms make a great feeder as part of a balanced diet. They are high in calcium, high in moisture, low in fat, but low in protein.

The number you feed depends a lot on their size and the age/size of your chameleon. They grow quickly and can defiantly become too big for your chameleon depending on your chameleons size.
Hello everyone, I'm hoping to have some people with previous experience and whom are knowledgable to answer some questions about hornworms.
Can they be used as a staple?
How many worms per feeding?
Can they become too large to consume for a chameleon?
Any other questions welcome

I suggest you forget the idea of having a staple. Provide your chameleon with a variety of prey, aiming to have no one prey item make up more than 20% of total diet.

hornworms are fine as part of a varied diet. They are NOT a good staple.

yes they can become too large (depends on type of chameleon)
Right, I meant as part of a staple. Personally I always vary the feeders. So they can be rotated in say every other day, or every three days?
what is the right size hornworm / silkworm for my cham?

My cam is roughly 10 inches head to what is the right size worm for him
I don't feed the full size worms to any of my guys. They are just too darn big!! They probably could eat them, but it would make me too nervous. You really just have to use common sense as far as the size.
My five month panther actually had no problem eating a 3 inch long hornworm.. He ran after it took a couple chomps and like magic the hornworm disappeared
Anyone have problems with hornworms grabbing your chams toungue? Those feet are pretty strong, I hear it can cause chocking hazards.
Anyone have problems with hornworms grabbing your chams toungue? Those feet are pretty strong, I hear it can cause chocking hazards.

I've heard the same on at least 2 counts. I have yet to have this issue and my chameleon downs them with ease. They are very strong but if your chameleon chews then prior to swallowing they should be fairly incapacitated.
Also make sure you place them close to your cham. They have a grip like no other and your cham may struggle to pull them in after they latch on to them. Tongue injury's are no fun. :p
Also make sure you place them close to your cham. They have a grip like no other and your cham may struggle to pull them in after they latch on to them. Tongue injury's are no fun. :p

Anyone having trouble with the hornworms grabbing into branches and what not can do I what do.. I grab the hornworm by the sides of its head and hand feed it. Just try to not get bit lol. Make sure it's the head you are grabbing or else the worm will bend right around and bite your finger. I've never free ranged hornworms and if I cup feed them I make sure they can't grab any of the surfaces
I hand feed them and now that you're cham is hand feeding just put the worm on the top of your finger and holds it up your cham may take like a couple of min our so but your cham will take it
I hand feed them and now that you're cham is hand feeding just put the worm on the top of your finger and holds it up your cham may take like a couple of min our so but your cham will take it

I'm going to try this, my panther has taken a lot longer to earn trust than my previous veiled. It's working slowly though. Man these hornworms grew to gigantic proportions overnight! Have you been bitten by one yet?
I'm going to try this, my panther has taken a lot longer to earn trust than my previous veiled. It's working slowly though. Man these hornworms grew to gigantic proportions overnight! Have you been bitten by one yet?

No but my daughter has and she says it is like a squeeze not painful at all, they can grow fast but if you measure temp by a window that has a draft and are getting reasons in the mid 50's than you can slow their growth to almost nothing
Yeah i definitely wouldn't have a staple food. Hornworms are great for chams but you want to have variety of insects. to stop from growing to fast put them in the fridge so the growing slows down if you need. My cham doesn't have much problems with any of the sizes really. Great Lakes Hornworms is where i get mine and it is fast and easy to order.
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