Opinions on my Chameleons house!

Cool, what is it like there? Great country, I love the Fatherland!

Which leads me to my next question - In Munich, the water has so much chalk in it, that after a couple of weeks of misting the plants, the leaves are covered in spots of chalk and no longer hold the water for long. I thought about using distilled water, but I heard that is not very good. Do you think bottled water would be as bad?

Because I sure as hell cannot be bothered to clean each leave of each plant all the time....
Hi Bennny, :)

Bottled water is perfect especially if you have high chalk content where you live! Even better would be filtering your water if your looking on saving a bit of money. I know how irritating water with a high chalk content can be for us (as iam living in an area at the moment which has one) So it must be just as annoying for your cham.
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