Orange head roaches too many males!

I wanted a beardie for that reason among others, but I'm going to hold out and get a tegu once I buy a house and have a enough room.
I think it's a good idea to network with a group of other reptile owners so you can trade off excess feeders. When I have excess silks I trade them for crickets or small dubia so I don't have to have a colony.
There are about 7 forum members in the Pittsburg area. If you look under the member tab and go to the user map and tap on the "tree" icon of your city you can see a list members from your area. If you feel like it you can PM them and see if anyone wants to trade.
How DO you sex orange heads? Curious as I'm thinking of starting a colony... My dubia are easy to sex and I'd assume the same ratio of m/f would work for orange heads as dubia (I keep my dubia in a 1:6-8 ratio.

Also, pacman frogs / pixie frogs are good eaters of adult roaches. My pacman frog is not even fully grown and can eat 1-2 adult male dubia in a sitting. My blue tongue skink and even my pet rats also enjoy adult males. In last resort, I freeze off excess...the skink and rats will eat f/t dead roaches as well.
Sexing orange heads is a matter of the females being about 1/3 larger, usually with a fuller abdomen and, if you really want to be super positive, you can compare the differences of the ends of the abdomens. A google image search should help you compare the differences.
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