Orchids and denrobium


New Member
Has anyone use orchids or dendrobiums in the cage? If so how have your Chams faired and How have the plants faired...I was looking at different ways of managing the water in my chams cage....Just curious

Also will the orichids and dendrobiums fair well with just the UVB light or will it require an actual full spectrum light?


orchid (i.e moon orchid) in general is safe to be in the chameleon's cage provided that it is organic and has been grown without pesticides.
Orchid is also quite adaptive to indoor lighting.

However, I have found it to be very problematic inside chameleon's cage.
First of all, from one of the orchid forum, I learned that you should not wet the flower (this is increasingly difficult to do in chameleon's cage).
With that said it is hard to clean any pesticide trace used by the nursery for your chameleon to be safe.

At the end of the day, can orchid be used? Yes.. but the troubles it cause warrant me to find a better alternative.
If you have veiled, you can be sure that he will not leave the flowers alone.
So, you'll have half eaten flowers all the time and there goes the beauty factor.

idk about dendrobium.
All you need for Orchid in the enclosere is a 40 Watt bulb and a UV light. Orchids need bright yet not full sunlight. They need shaded area especially indoor, therefore a chameleon enclosure is perfect for them. However, you need to keep the humidity high. What I do is to place a dish underneath the pot and place some marbles on the dish and place water in it. Once the water evaporated, it keeps up the humidity.
Thanks, I don't care about the flowers, I was more concerned about getting some real plants that would work with the environment that I need to keep in the cage. I have Jacksons so I wasn't too worried about the Chams eating the flowers.

Thanks for the advice.

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