Ordering Crickets Online?


New Member
So my mom and I would both like to know if theres a place where we can get crickets online thats got a good reputation. I looked at Flukers but they had a few bad reviews about their crickets. What do you guys recommend?
Welcome to the forums. This is a great place to learn about chameleons and their feeders. What kind of chameleon do you have? How many pets do you have that will eat crickets? I buy my crickets and Superworms at Armstrong Crickets. They offer good products and stand behind their feeders. They also offer the regular brown crickets which I personally prefer over the banded crickets. The most important thing to me is the cleanliness of the farm. A few years back when the cricket virus was going around Armstrong did not get the virus because they keep the crickets and Superworms in plastic breeding areas that could be bleached and washed down. Most cricket farms were made of wood and the virus put most of them out of business because they could never get rid of the virus. A couple of them were able to get the banded crickets going but to this day not the brown crickets. Here's a link to Armstrong if you and your mom would like to check them out.
www.ghann.com has the Banded Cricket, which lives longer, smells better, try them you will like them!



Thank you! I will try that. We're just feeding her the crickets from Petsmart right now. Are they banded crickets?

Welcome to the forums. This is a great place to learn about chameleons and their feeders. What kind of chameleon do you have? How many pets do you have that will eat crickets? I buy my crickets and Superworms at Armstrong Crickets. They offer good products and stand behind their feeders. They also offer the regular brown crickets which I personally prefer over the banded crickets. The most important thing to me is the cleanliness of the farm. A few years back when the cricket virus was going around Armstrong did not get the virus because they keep the crickets and Superworms in plastic breeding areas that could be bleached and washed down. Most cricket farms were made of wood and the virus put most of them out of business because they could never get rid of the virus. A couple of them were able to get the banded crickets going but to this day not the brown crickets. Here's a link to Armstrong if you and your mom would like to check them out.

We have just a chameleon right now and she's 4-5, (maybe younger) and she eats 8-10 crickets a day and lots of kale (she will jump for it if she's hungry, it's hilarious)
Ghann's cricket farm is probably the best in the business. At least that's where I get mine from each week and I've never had an issue
Ghann's cricket farm imo is the best i have had so far with crickets, they live a lonnng time and get here very quickly, never had any issues.
Hello I’m new here and I see this thread is old umm if this is the wrong place delete it. I had a few questions about easing crickets ? I’ve done some research but there’s a question or two I’m not getting an answer for.? The other question is there anywhere online to order smaller amounts of crickets say 2-4 dozen to get started ? Thanks for any help
Hello I’m new here and I see this thread is old umm if this is the wrong place delete it. I had a few questions about easing crickets ? I’ve done some research but there’s a question or two I’m not getting an answer for.? The other question is there anywhere online to order smaller amounts of crickets say 2-4 dozen to get started ? Thanks for any help
Hi and welcome. Yes, this is an old thread but you’re here now so maybe I can help. Your first question isn’t clear to me. Can you try again? Your second question, the answer is yes. https://www.rainbowmealworms.net/ this is a great place to buy feeders and smaller quantities of crickets.
Hi and welcome. Yes, this is an old thread but you’re here now so maybe I can help. Your first question isn’t clear to me. Can you try again? Your second question, the answer is yes. https://www.rainbowmealworms.net/ this is a great place to buy feeders and smaller quantities of crickets.
Thanks for the info sorry about my first question.. I bought some crickets from petco and wondered if they will breed they are small crickets??? Google says they can breed from 3-5 days old but other places say only adults can reproduce?
I get all my crickets from Josh’s frogs they’ve been pretty reliable for me I haven’t tried any other cricket vendor tho they are a sponsor of the forums
Thanks for the info sorry about my first question.. I bought some crickets from petco and wondered if they will breed they are small crickets??? Google says they can breed from 3-5 days old but other places say only adults can reproduce?
While I’m far from being even close to having expert knowledge about crickets, I do believe that only the adults can breed. I’m not sure about the health of crickets gotten from chain pet stores if they would even live long enough to fully mature, but there’s no harm in trying. With crickets you need to keep them in a decent sized bin and keep it clean. The fumes from their poo can kill them. To breed them, the females are the ones that have the really long thing sticking out from their back ends (ovipositor). Provide them with a small container of damp soil with a piece of window type screening over the soil. They will eat their eggs otherwise. The eggs look like tiny grains of rice and they will deposit them deep in the soil. After a few days, remove the soil container and put in a small bin and keep it warm. Hopefully within another few days or so you’ll see the tiny pinheads in the bin.
While I’m far from being even close to having expert knowledge about crickets, I do believe that only the adults can breed. I’m not sure about the health of crickets gotten from chain pet stores if they would even live long enough to fully mature, but there’s no harm in trying. With crickets you need to keep them in a decent sized bin and keep it clean. The fumes from their poo can kill them. To breed them, the females are the ones that have the really long thing sticking out from their back ends (ovipositor). Provide them with a small container of damp soil with a piece of window type screening over the soil. They will eat their eggs otherwise. The eggs look like tiny grains of rice and they will deposit them deep in the soil. After a few days, remove the soil container and put in a small bin and keep it warm. Hopefully within another few days or so you’ll see the tiny pinheads in the bin.
Google has been known to lie lol that’s why I came here and asked. I’ve never raised crickets I’ve fished with tons of them. Though I don’t need many for my scorpions that’s why I was asking all the breeding and ordering questions. Thank you to everyone that has helped me
Google has been known to lie lol that’s why I came here and asked. I’ve never raised crickets I’ve fished with tons of them. Though I don’t need many for my scorpions that’s why I was asking all the breeding and ordering questions. Thank you to everyone that has helped me
While I’ve been experimenting with breeding all other feeders, only in the past few weeks or so have I actually put any small effort into breeding crickets. I’ve known how for a long time, but I just hate crickets. 😂 Right now I have a small bin of pinheads (my first) and I’ll soon see how hardy they are.
While I’ve been experimenting with breeding all other feeders, only in the past few weeks or so have I actually put any small effort into breeding crickets. I’ve known how for a long time, but I just hate crickets. 😂 Right now I have a small bin of pinheads (my first) and I’ll soon see how hardy they are.
I’m trying this right now too and honestly it’s not going great I didn’t have enough adults and now they died off and I am feeding off the hatchlings too fast for them to grow and breed gotta start over in hopes of lowering that cricket bill😔
I haven’t even checked how many adult crickets are left in my big bin, but I know it’s not many. I did give them a fresh cup of soil and when I checked it today, I found a couple of adults made their way beneath the piece of screen and they must have eaten all of the eggs. Cannibalistic jerks!
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