Very nice!
You are a lucky one.
Screameleons will be selling some areound 5 months old in 2 months.
They wanted to check and see how they turned out first.
Who sold yours to you?
Ok, I do have a question.
You said WC I thought this locale was a "man made" one.
From what i read they name means "red rain". Which i tought was given to them after being a hybrid species.
so they are a wild species?
I believe Oorana Mena was the name applied to them in an attempt to keep the locality secret. Now that we know they come from Nosy Faly I think we should start referring to the locality rather than a made-up trade name. Don't you guys agree?
Oh, and they are definitely my new favorite locale. Love the blue and white! Congrats Chuck!
This locale is Nosey Faly and it is not new to the Europeans. It is new to us in the USA though. Oorana Mena is the designer name, like Mafana is the designer name for Nosey Mitsio. Your boy is very handsome! It looks like he has acclimated well. Did you treat him for parasites or did Vincent do it? I also got this locale in December. I got two pairs. I got them right after import and they were loaded with roundworms. They are starting their third course of Panacur this week. Two three day courses did not wipe them out.
I posted a picture of one male a couple of weeks ago. You can click on the line below to access it:
I was going to post pictures of the second male later today, along with some other wild caughts I got from Vincent in December. He hates me and I've had a hard time getting any good photo of him. I got him directly from Vincent. The other male was gotten from Pam a few days after she got it from Vincent. Congrats on your beautiful boy. And on the two females!
Nosey Faly It is!
My male is as friendly as any of my captive bred chameleons.Eats right out of my hand.
I usually let my wild caught specimens get acclimated for a few weeks before I start Panacur or anything.
They are of course quarantined during this period.