organic plants or not?


New Member
I dont know if i am being overly concerned or not . I am new to the hobby . I am setting up my first cham habitat and i am worried about chams ingesting fertilizers that arent organic . I am trying to be as natual as possible , but im having a hard time finding plants that are one the cham safe list , that the person selling me the plant can tell me for sure if chemicle fertilizers were used on the plant. Is this something i should be concerned about?
You can find ficus and hibiscus plants at most home depots, lowes, nursery centers etc..

Your going to want to buy a bag of organic soil and re-pot the plant or you could cover the soil with river rocks so that your cham cant get to it.

You can wash your plants and trees with soap and water in the shower and leave for 30 minutes. that should was away most if not all of the pestecide. I keep 4 live plants (hibiscus) and havent had them hurting or injuring my chameleons in any way.

I hope this is helpful to you.
Ive also just added a Hibiscus plant to my set-up and i had my wife re-soil it and wash it out side with soap and water so far so good and the cham has already been caught hanging out in the plant a couple times and its only been in there for about 2-3 days.. i think they can tell the real plants from the fake.
thanx i really appreciate it . i was going nuts trying to find "clean plants" i didn't think about cleaning them my self.
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