Other than Chameleons, What else have you been addicted to/obsessed with?

I can't believe I just watched all 3+ minutes of that video. If I have to think of Jared like that I will barf or die laughing like I did at the video. Good one Olympia.
Hahaha Laurie. Wasn't sure if that video was "wholesome" enough to be posted here, but I decided to risk it. I'm glad you found it funny!
Thank you! You know where to find me if you ever do want to :) Awesome, have you lived your whole life here or did you ever live in Cuba/Spain? I moved here when I was about 8-9.

I was born in Cuba.. Mom and I moved to FL when I was 3 so I don't remember much of it. I hear Spain is very beautiful... When I was little I always dreamt of being a Princess and living in a Castle in Barcelona :)
My iTunes list. I can't go a day without listening to my Warped Tour CD's. I hope to get to the amazing concert this next year.

Otherwise. The Chameleons are my main hobby, besides my other critters. The babies are taking up most of my time so ya know.. LOL

I also love to take pictures (not of myself) ha.

Hoping to get a nice DSLR camera soon.
O I need to add another obsession as well, The great outdoors. I will be lost for a week in the San Isabel National Forest at the end of this month. Hopefully we will get some snow, I need some more snow shoe practice :rolleyes:
These days... mostly ESPN, Boardwalk Empire, Atlantic City on the weekends...

Been working mostly on making my house nicer. In the process of building a mini-green houseish window room in the upstairs. After that going to build an indoor pond downstairs.

Anyways, enough with the rambling. Here's what I wake up to every morning. Enjoy :D

I enjoy listening to music, going to concerts, swimming, walking, bike ridding, travel, photography and taking care of my pets. Besides the chameleons I have a dog and a Cuban Knight Anole.
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Am I going to be the first one to say music, then? And drugs, of course....and what was that other thing.......?

I find it funny that nobody else has commented on this. Lol... I mean, clearly you can't be into music without being a druggie as well. :p
I would have to say my lifelong obsessions have been music and art/theatre/literature. Music gets listed first because I am first and foremost a musician, but all in all, I am just a lover of the fine arts in all forms. Life would be so dull without them. :)

My more current obsessions (or at least the things I'm spending the majority of my time doing lately) are activist work and taking care of animals. I'm an officer in a student organization at my university, so I spend a great deal of time planning events/making phone calls/sending emails/etc. I have to come home from school multiple times a day though, in order to take care of my three chameleons, bearded dragon, frog, two rats, and cat. I also frequently make sure my roommate isn't neglecting her turtle and parakeet. :rolleyes: Oh and the 20 reptiles, 30 small animals, 50 birds, and 1000 or so fish I am also responsible for... did I mention I work at a pet store? :cool:
I find it funny that nobody else has commented on this. Lol... I mean, clearly you can't be into music without being a druggie as well. :p

i thought it was best that i didnt comment on this... but you can count me for liking plants lol
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