Our Easter Eggs have arrived!!!!!


New Member
We are proud to announce that our first clutch of Panther eggs arrived safely during the night!! Mother, Princess Jasmine had a safe and easy labor, laying 22 beautiful eggs and is now recuperating under her basking light with a huge smile on her face. The father, Rufus, is smoking a fat cigar atop his perch in celebration.

Thank you to all of the threads and posts that have guided us as midwives.

We will post more information and pictures throughout the day, so stay tuned..... ;)


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That's awesome! Once mine come of age I'll be looking into breeding and hope I'm as lucky as you have been in your adventure!
Thank you :) Best Easter Eggs ever!!!!

We are thinking we have a few small eggs and so they are being expected to mold over...but they are now tucked away in their new homes (our closet)
A little concerned as we have been so undecided about if to use our incubator or closet.
Our main concern is the temp changing in the closet. Like in the summer its going to be hotter...but then we use the air con and the temp will go down again. But we like the closest as it is dark and safe (they are high out of reach)
The concern with the incubator is maybe they get too hot and we dont notice a temp change. So for now we are going with the closet.

Best of luck with your future breeding. We have been so lucky as Princess Jasmine seemed to know what she was to do, she did it with no fuss.
She has since had a shower, we have dripped a little calcium and she has had a little to drink. She doesn't want to eat so our main priority atm is just to monitor and help her get strong again.
Although a little weak, she is very active atm.

We will get photos up soon of Mom and Dad.
Here are the proud parents and their eggs. :)


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CONGRATS!!!!!!!! you have some nice looking parents there i just had me very first ever clutch to a few days ago:D
congrats cant wait for my girl to be of age she is eight and a half months now so its coming soon lol i have 5 month veiled eggs though :):):)
you have some nice looking chams there congrats good job!
Thank you everyone and yes they are Panthers.
They are handsome and pretty, we are sure the babies the will be amazing if we are successful.
Rufus has many different mood colors, when he is outside in the sunlight, when he is wanting to attracting Jasmines attention, when he isnt happy with us, his resting colors are amazing.
Rufus can go from showing off his bright reds, to just being vibrant blues and greens. At rest we often see all of these colors.
Jasmine is a pretty tones of pink when she isnt gravid, when she is receptive she goes pink and orange but still very vibrant. Whilst being gravid her colors continued to change. Sometimes a dark brown and while basking she was a pale brown with very dark circles. her sleeping colors are a pale shade of pink. She is truly amazing in colors compared to what we have seen in other females.
Attached is some photos of them both showing some of their color changes.


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CONGRATS!!!!!!!! you have some nice looking parents there i just had me very first ever clutch to a few days ago:D

We know as we watched and joined in on your thread. We guessed as well :)
How is everything going?
I believe your guys mated 5 days before us, yours the 3rd of March and ours the 8th. So we watched yours knowing that we would be shortly behind you.

Here is Rufus in his dark mood colors. We had moved something in his cage on this day. He was NOT impressed. As you can see.
He also does this if we have a mister in his cage. He hates them.


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congrats cant wait for my girl to be of age she is eight and a half months now so its coming soon lol i have 5 month veiled eggs though :):):)
you have some nice looking chams there congrats good job!

Thank you. Good luck with ya veiled eggs. Hope you will be posting photos as they come into the world. Good luck with the panther breeding also, for your future project...do we get to see any pics of your little girl??

What way has everyone else gone while incubating?
Did you decide to use the incubator or closet method??
Jasmine is digging again...its been around 24 hours since we dug the last batch of 22 eggs and she is in there digging again. she isnt covered up...we have been in and out of the room (she lives in our bedroom) and Ken just got out the shower to find her butt sticking out from her bin again...so now we have to stay out our room in hope she sorts out whatever is occurring.

We are telling you....she has not been reading the same info as us. We wasnt expecting more eggs this quick.

We will keep you updated lol.
That's different...I have never herd of a chameleon laying again a couple days after?
Although my bearded dragon has laid egg and a few days before or after she has laid what our vet called slugs but I have not herd of a chameleon doing this?!
Congrats on the 22 eggs. Eggs are so exciting :D
We are proud to announce that our first clutch of Panther eggs arrived safely during the night!! Mother, Princess Jasmine had a safe and easy labor, laying 22 beautiful eggs and is now recuperating under her basking light with a huge smile on her face. The father, Rufus, is smoking a fat cigar atop his perch in celebration.

Thank you to all of the threads and posts that have guided us as midwives.

We will post more information and pictures throughout the day, so stay tuned..... ;)

Tell Rufus he should be using a vaporizer ;)
So we came home and there was a very big hole in the bin....ahw was sat at the top of the cage...all covered in dirt from digging again. We have searched then bin and found no eggs but she has eaten 3 silk worms covered in calcium and had a drink.
We have made up the bin again and dug a few starer holes...not sure what today was about but clearly she wants to lay more. Princess Jasmine is doing NOTHING by the books lol.
We got up this morning and turned on the lights...she then decided to get back into her bin and started digging again.....still uncovered and with us in the room.
UPDATE: checked in on our eggs and three are already starting to fur over.

REMEMBER NEVER THROW AWAY AN EGG UNLESS YOUR SURE!!!!!:) alot of people have ad eggs dent in alot and they hatch after that but good luck! i think my female might have retained some sperm she keeps showing gravid colors i hope she doesnt have another clutch:eek: my eggs are doing pretty good a few tiny ones a few plump ones and i can really see them that good because they still have sand on them, and so far no moldy ones!!!:D

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