Our new Cham MEGA mansion :)


New Member
Hello everyone!!! Over the weekend i spent some time changing up the living arrangements for our Ambanja. We did have him in a 2x2x4 custom built screen enclosure.....but decided he needed to move on up!

Hopefully the pictures explain what we did.....but our house is a bit odd so I will try to also describe it. This is actually in our 11 year old sons room. He has the largest bedroom in the house. We gutted the attic and converted it into a loft, so the ceiling you see in the pics are actually 18 feet off the fllor of his room. So, what used to be where we kept all the legos when he was a little kid, is now the MEGA cham mansion.

It measure 15 feet long, 5.5 feet high and 4 feet deep. We have a mistking and 3 light fixtures with a mixture of 6500K and reptisun bulbs. Tomorrow I am adding some new feeder cups.

He seems really heppy in there!!! I do have a quick question......whenever he walks on the rope highway, the rops rotates and he ends up walking upside down for a bit....does anyone else have this happen??? How can I fix it?? or do I even need to ??

Thanks for chceking out our project!


The answer to your rope dilema is to not use rope. :)

I kid of course, but in all seriousness, it would be much easier for them to get around on more solid, taught pathways. Tightening the rope may help a bit, but it still takes much more balance because of the sway etc etc. I cut large branches from an oak tree in our yard and mounted them perpendicular to the wall. Our melleri loved it and it looked very much like a exhibit at a zoo.

It's a great looking bachelor's pad, but when are you going to get a female for him to enjoy this palace with? :p


Wow! I was just about to ask, how big is too big? That answers my question! I am so excited to build our ambanja a mansion to fit him too. Even though I think he'd rather just live with us ;)
You could add metal Clamps to sections of the ropethat clamp tightly into the rope at ever two feet or so with a bit of string or rope attached to each side anchored to the ceiling of the cage in a V patter so it would lok something like this \ / \ /
*** ***
Tha should provide some torsion along the rope to prevent rotation. heck even Zip Ties might do it instead of metal Clamps so they wont rust from the mistings. And idtto on the Drywall... Plastic Coat the Wall or use Bathroom Paints to keep mildew out.
well it is not lining up once I save the post but the Vs all line up like ropes going upward and the stars were clamps ;-):D
Thanks everyone for the kind words and helpful hints!! I still have the old enclosures, so I can take them out while my neighbor waterproofs the walls. I didn't even think of that part!

I like the idea of putting tension on the rope....just like they do in the high wire act!! Thanks!!
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