Our new crestie...


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We ended up taking this cutie in last weekend, a little boy had him and he totally lost interest in him and taking care of him:(We got him a new enclosure and plants, ledges, branches etc. he is super sweet and he is a super cool reddish color! 79017340-1B03-4C0A-B1FA-01DA34353931.jpeg F075EE76-997A-4048-9B2F-D017F01409BE.jpeg 9F9C3252-E65F-45E7-A0DD-59F34996A53F.jpeg
Thanks everyone, we decided to name him Tom! He is stil acclimating, but came up and licked my hand last night, he is really sweet:) We also took in another guy the other day he was kept in a Kritter keeper even though he is a full grown adult and was eating baby food:( It really is sad how many people don’t research before purchasing:mad: He is all spots and beautiful but super skittish and scared, he freaks even if I change his food out, poor little guy. Hopefully he will feel more secure and less skittish so I can get a picture of how beautiful he is!!
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