Our new male four horned arrived yesterday first pic!!!!!!!!!!

Get a female, make little babies and sell me one! lol Too cute! I love the frill on his tail.
We already have a breeding pair , should have the first clutch soon:) Hes a new addition :p But i bet your in the states ? that would complicate things.........
Nice, he's beautiful. I'm just starting to get into the mountain species. Hopefully I can get quads as well in the future.
Im afraid i cant show pics of babies as all our quads are WC and we havent had a clutch as of yet..
Why don't you all go into your CP area and put where you are from? It would make it soooo much easier to see if you are from UK, Canada, etc....
Love the quadis, yet another species, i wish i could get and care for with minimal effort.
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