Our young Nosy Faly


Chamalot Chameleons
In my last thread I posted I mentioned that we had a nosy faly..... Thought he deserved his own photo thread.

He is about 4 months old.

The first day we got him few weeks ago:


Now today already showing more blues :







Planning on getting a young female next week and try our hand in Faly breeding for next year...

Very Exciting!
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Yeah, he deserves his own thread :), and he'll probably end up with a dynasty of chams to be remembered by the sounds of it........good luck!
Very nice looking faly, gonna be awesome when he gets all his big boy colors. Which reminds me I need to order some more Kings Cricket Feast. I will order today!
Very nice looking faly, gonna be awesome when he gets all his big boy colors. Which reminds me I need to order some more Kings Cricket Feast. I will order today!

We have to make some more! I ran out last week (using it on our own crix) and been so busy haven't had a chance to make a new batch yet
Hi There, starting to get into the cham thing and think that the Faly's are Amazing! Please let me know if you do breed them......very interested!! Thank!...:)
In my last thread I posted I mentioned that we had a nosy faly..... Thought he deserved his own photo thread.

He is about 4 months old.

The first day we got him few weeks ago:


Now today already showing more blues :







Planning on getting a young female next week and try our hand in Faly breeding for next year...

Very Exciting!

WOW he is nice. Who is the sire? and what bloodline are you going to get your female from?:)
Hi There, starting to get into the cham thing and think that the Faly's are Amazing! Please let me know if you do breed them......very interested!! Thank!...:)

Its going to be a while before I see any babies from him.. He has got a lot of growing to do first.

His sire is Iceman from cham co
He looks nice congrats love the red spots is that orange or red i see comin in on the sides besides the spots or is it the camera?
look forward to seein pics as hes grows again congrats
ps i love falys.
Looks like your going to have a stunning cham there Dez, I cant wait to get mine. I didnt know you sold cricket food, I wonder if it would be good for the roach colony Im working on
Rob, His belly has a red tint. Its new I am looking forward to see what he looks like after his next shed

Korey, we make our own gutload out of dehydrated fruit and veggies and other good things like bee pollen and spurilina. Ground down to a powder. We have it for sale on oue website

I am in the process of making a fresh batch right now... I have fed it to my discoid roaches as well.
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