Klyde O'Scope
Chameleon Enthusiast
I know this is an older thread/post.we have raccoons to ! they have never messed with my chameleon cages ! the chameleons don't move a night so im thinking that's why , but my pond that's next to cages is a different story ! they try to snatch fish all the time ! it best to be cautious tho because the do have thumbs lol
I wouldn't count on that to mean the raccoons will never bother the chameleons.
We had daffodils in our backyard (planted by previous owner) for years, and for years, the deer who live back there never bothered them. Then one year—the very day the daffodils bloomed—BAM... The deer ate them right down to the ground—no more daffodils—ever.
There's just no telling if/whether those raccoons (or their kin/progeny) may one day get a hankering for fresh lizard...