Outside Playpen, Finally!


Chameleon Enthusiast
Finally found the laundry basket that works for an outside play pen for my Ambanja Baby. It was quite the adventure trying to find it but after driving 45 minutes across town to the other Walmart I got it. The close Walmart was remodeling and had the whole laundry isle empty and they were unwilling to look on back for me...grrr! Bed Bath and Beyond didn't have it, Target didn't have it, so driving I went.

I'm happy with the finished product and can't wait to give it a try. Here's hoping that taking him in and out of his home cage isn't a disaster as so far he hates me. :ROFLMAO: He will take wax worms from my hand but that's as far as our relationship goes at the moment. I've had him for a month now, it's time we start taking their relationship to the next level so to speak.

Here the new digs for sun time....
This was supposed to say...." I've had him for a month now, it's time we start taking OUR relationship to the next level so to speak.", but it wouldn't let me edit it.

Well, tried and failed miserably to get him into it today! I tried placing it opening to opening with a bridge to it from his cage and he wouldn't come near it. Left it that way for at least 2 hours and nothin'! Sinker! Then I tried using a branch to get him on and he just got all pissy and ran from me hissing and turned black and lunged at the branch. Major fail! So I let him be to not stress him out more.

I've never had a cham hate me this much! :cautious:
I guess we shall try aging tomorrow.
Finally found the laundry basket that works for an outside play pen for my Ambanja Baby. It was quite the adventure trying to find it but after driving 45 minutes across town to the other Walmart I got it. The close Walmart was remodeling and had the whole laundry isle empty and they were unwilling to look on back for me...grrr! Bed Bath and Beyond didn't have it, Target didn't have it, so driving I went.

I'm happy with the finished product and can't wait to give it a try. Here's hoping that taking him in and out of his home cage isn't a disaster as so far he hates me. :ROFLMAO: He will take wax worms from my hand but that's as far as our relationship goes at the moment. I've had him for a month now, it's time we start taking their relationship to the next level so to speak.

Here the new digs for sun time....View attachment 162417
That is such an awesome idea! I'm going to have to get one of these for Chloe's balcony condo! So stinkin clever, thanks so much for sharing! (y):unsure:
That is such an awesome idea! I'm going to have to get one of these for Chloe's balcony condo! So stinkin clever, thanks so much for sharing! (y):unsure:

Your welcome! I found it on here too. A few other members have this same basket from Walmart and I was thrilled they shared it. It's the only one I've found that closes completely. The one from Bed Bath and beyond zips up too but it has handle holes.
When he sees the worm does he actively attack it and run after it in your hand? If so try placing the worm in your right hand and holding your left hand out for him to crawl on your hand. Practice the distance it takes so that he needs to get on your hand to get the worm, bait him with the worm and once hes on your left hand and his food is gone he will enter the "oh Sh**t" mode and realize what he has done lol. Simply place him in his outside cage then
This. Is. Genius.

I live in a condo with a balcony that scares me (my dude is ACTIVE and moves fast!) I didn't wanna just put a tree out there for him to chill on. I also kinda just fell into chameleon parenting (he was a mid-morning rescue from a vet who is a friend) so I unfortunately do not have the means (just yet!) to make him a more permanent outdoor enclosure. This is PERFECT.

I love the idea! And GOOD LUCK getting your guy out! I know how they can be. Our relationship is also currently blossoming over hornworms.. i'm pretty sure Custard's mantra is "No worms, No friendship."
No. It takes a while before he will take it. He's very cautious.

I did finally get him out and into his playpen. I used a stick as an extension of my hand and put an active wax worm on my hand. He only came about halfway down the stick and then lingered there for over 5 minutes. So I pulled the stick out and over to the playpen. He's now hanging out in the sun but he doesn't look thrilled.
I would love to see pics of this if you get the chance. I saw a juvenile Ambanja today and I want to see if he looks anything like yours.

I love you idea of using a simple thing like a laundry basket as a portable cage.
Thanks for the link. I found my way there shortly after my post. The thought to go to your albums came after I posted (of course). :)

I'm following that thread now. ;)

He's pretty cool and I'm excited to see how he grows. My last guy was an abilobe. It may just be wishful thinking but I think he may grow to have purple bars!! I haven't gotten a good picture of what makes me think that but there are times when I think it is very possible.
He's pretty cool and I'm excited to see how he grows. My last guy was an abilobe. It may just be wishful thinking but I think he may grow to have purple bars!! I haven't gotten a good picture of what makes me think that but there are times when I think it is very possible.
Positive thinking! That's my recipe to happy days too. ;) Just like how I know it is going to be a really big hill to climb in getting the green light on adding a cham to the family but I am thinking positive about it otherwise I would put a stop to all the time I am spending on here and YouTube and anywhere else I can find information on chams. Oh, as well as visiting reptile stores at least three times in the last five days or so. It's like that line that I love from "Dumb and Dumber"... "so you are saying that there's a chance?" lol
Positive thinking! That's my recipe to happy days too. ;) Just like how I know it is going to be a really big hill to climb in getting the green light on adding a cham to the family but I am thinking positive about it otherwise I would put a stop to all the time I am spending on here and YouTube and anywhere else I can find information on chams. Oh, as well as visiting reptile stores at least three times in the last five days or so. It's like that line that I love from "Dumb and Dumber"... "so you are saying that there's a chance?" lol

I take it you have a spouse that you are trying to convince?
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