outside time


New Member
for any of you who don't bring your chams outside: you are missing out. I brought Smaug outside for his first time today. Omg. I've only had him a month and he is very timid, especially the further he get away from me(aka on my shoes and pant legs or bed). The second we got outside he didnt even bother keeping one eye on me anymore, he was watching the birds, cars, people walking by. I've never seen him look so interested in everything. He also turned some crazy colors and honestly, I never really looked at him in natural sunlight and realized how beautiful he was. If you havn't taken your chams out you must. He loved it and I think it will make him want to come out more.
for any of you who don't bring your chams outside: you are missing out. I brought Smaug outside for his first time today. Omg. I've only had him a month and he is very timid, especially the further he get away from me(aka on my shoes and pant legs or bed). The second we got outside he didnt even bother keeping one eye on me anymore, he was watching the birds, cars, people walking by. I've never seen him look so interested in everything. He also turned some crazy colors and honestly, I never really looked at him in natural sunlight and realized how beautiful he was. If you havn't taken your chams out you must. He loved it and I think it will make him want to come out more.

Totally agree. My little ones LOVE their trips outside. One of my males was pretty aggressive for months after I got him. I worked with him outside. I noticed the same thing. He didn't care about me at all. I was able to get him used to me.

Colors pop like crazy sometimes. It's awesome. I hate to geek out on how much these little doods make me happy but seriously, when they're outside.. I love how happy they are. Warms my heart up! Haha! ;P
I would love to do this but I live in Canada and it is winter....so the first sunny, warm day in the spring I will definitely do this. We already have a travel cage for her to go out and hang outside. Unfortunately it will be in the cage since we have 3 dogs, all of which would like to eat her for a snack!

do you let yours walk around freely or in a cage?
Totally agree. My little ones LOVE their trips outside. One of my males was pretty aggressive for months after I got him. I worked with him outside. I noticed the same thing. He didn't care about me at all. I was able to get him used to me.

Colors pop like crazy sometimes. It's awesome. I hate to geek out on how much these little doods make me happy but seriously, when they're outside.. I love how happy they are. Warms my heart up! Haha! ;P

You can geek out around me anytime haha I know the feeling I have to shut my mouth constantly to my friends because i will talk for hours about animals in general its my passion for sure. I almost annoy myself with is sometimes lol.
another question, do you have to mist them as well when they are outside, same kind of thing as in the house?

I was too nervous to put him on any of the plants or bushes outside even when I was there next to him. If a bird swooped down on him (he's just a baby) I would literally cry. I try to be very personal with him so outside time for now is on me. He walked down my pant leg onto my little porch fence but he fell off cause its pvc... I felt pretty bad lol but he was ok. I would really like to make him an outside cage so he can spend more time out there cause he seemed to love it but for now its just on my arm or head or shoulder while I read outside for an hour or so. If he was outside for prolonged time in a cage I would assume you would need to mist him and provide him with a heat light if it was chili at all. i live in florida so he is fine outside without lights or misting for an hour or so.
I would love to do this but I live in Canada and it is winter....so the first sunny, warm day in the spring I will definitely do this. We already have a travel cage for her to go out and hang outside. Unfortunately it will be in the cage since we have 3 dogs, all of which would like to eat her for a snack!

do you let yours walk around freely or in a cage?

I am thinking of setting up a small sheflerra on the windowsill by his cage
just because he seemed to love looking around outside. This might be nice while its cold out. The glass would block all the u.v. rays but you would still get to see him in natural sunlight and take in all those colors. Just basically a small sheflerra on the windowsill.
Well, I totally understand foshizzle11 ... It is heartbreaking not being able to take him outside.. Oh my,I can't wait the sommertime!
Do you let them catch mosquitos and others? Or better not?
i dont live in a very nice area lol so i doubt anyone is taking care of the neighborhood with pesticides and such.. I'd let him eat anything outside honestly
I can't wait for summer to take my little guy out! I'm in Chicago right now, far too cold for him to go out now. :( But this summer will be so great for taking him out. :D
another question, do you have to mist them as well when they are outside, same kind of thing as in the house?

I would think that would depend on the amount of time you are planning on leaving them outside. Water, shade, basking, safety, possibly food..... probably yes. :)
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