Over feeding?


Established Member
Hey guys, So as some of you might have know my chameleon was not growing what so ever. Since June 20th I have been keeping track of his weight and I also boosted his feeding schedule. Since then he has tripled his weight from 6 grams to 18 grams, my only concern that is slight bothering me but probably isn't an issue is the amount he is eating. Since I forgot to order crickets in my last order, I have been buying crickets from the store that are between 1/4 and 3/8, he eats about close to 15-20 daily. I'm not really complaining that he is eating this much, because he is growing rapidly, but I was just wondering if this is healthy for him

Thanks guys.
Store bought crickets are coming from the same places as crickets you order. The key is high quality gut loading shortly before you feed them off.
Normally, when I order them from my provider I have time to gut load them because I order them before my old ones run out. My case with the pet store is temp. until I receive my order of crickets
Normally, when I order them from my provider I have time to gut load them because I order them before my old ones run out. My case with the pet store is temp. until I receive my order of crickets
Gut loading is not something that is done once and then done, and lasts days. It must be done shortly before the feeding. Insects digest their food too, then poop. So if you don't gut load shortly before feeding, that nutrition is gone from their gut.
Gut loading is not something that is done once and then done, and lasts days. It must be done shortly before the feeding. Insects digest their food too, then poop. So if you don't gut load shortly before feeding, that nutrition is gone from their gut.
What I normally do is gutload them with dry stuff from the seller 24/7 and then gutload the ones im going to feed with greens and carrots a few days before
I typically feed my crickets right before I shut the lights out. The logic is that there's 12 hours or so for the gutload to work its way into the feeder and be good for the chameleons in the morning.
I feed my bugs at night as well, the roaches are more active then anyway and I find crickets will eat whenever you feed them.
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