Over feeding. ?


New Member
Will a chameleon(yemen) eat more than it should. ?

Just wondering what the best way to work out feeding amounts are, feed until the cham says its had enough or stick to a set amount as per its age ?
Up until 8 months or so let him have all that he wants everyday. After that all that he wants everyother day.
For a male, until its full grown you can feed it as much as it will eat in a couple of minutes as long as it doesn't start to look too fat. Feed very young ones at least every day and once they are about 5 months old...once every two or three days. With a female, its important not to overfeed her once she is sexually mature because she will likely produce large clutches of eggs, may have difficulty laying them and could become constipated and prolapse. Even over feeding a sexually mature male is not good.
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