over watering plants problem


Hello I was just wondering how everyone keeps your plants from getting over watered? We have been having problems with our plants dyeing because the water from our misting system drips down the leaves into the pot.We've tried putting tin foil and plastic wrap over it, but water always seems to find a way in. Anyone have any ideas on how to stop this?
I use a misting system as well, but I am not having the same issue. That being said, I have rocks covering the soil. What kind of plants do you have and how dense is the foliage?
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I re-potted my plants and added sand along with the soil to increase drainage. This was done mainly due to a gnat problem we had. The plants do drain better with the sand.
We have a schefflera (not sure if that's how you spell it) which has been having a lot of problems, and we just got a pothos which i don't want to start dying. We do have rocks on the soil, but we haven't put any sand in it yet.
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