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I can’t find what I’m looking for on any other thread so I decided to just start a new one. I’m a little worried I’m overfeeding Leo. My cat self-regulates her food intake so I could give her a full bowl at every feeding and she will only eat until she’s full. Do chameleons also self-regulate? I assumed they do, but now I’m wondering if they actually do. Yesterday morning I fed Leo about 10 crickets. A few hours later he seemed to be looking for crickets so I gave him about 7 more. Then around 4 I put another 7 more in his cage (just in case the winter storm Chicago was expecting got bad and I couldn’t get back to him the next day). Each of these three times I fed him he ran down his vine to his feeder bowl. Is this because he was hungry or does eating become a habit? He’s about 5 months old so I’m still trying to feed him as much as he’ll eat but I don’t want to cause him any health issues.