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How on earth do you spray without soaking the walls and surrounding area?! My husband has decided I am not allowed to spray the Cham because he is worried about the water getting everywhere.
Wrap the cage with garbage bags or shower curtains! I have the luxury of being able to take my chameleons outside everyday so I water them outside.
Yeah exactly... Lol. I seriously don't know how to keeps the walls dry though. Trash bags is an option that could work possibly
Coroplast panel on the back wall of the cage should help.

Hmm, that definitely could help. possibly help with humidity too. I still don't know if we will let me spray but it is worth a shot. We bought a fogger that helps with humidity also, and it condenses and drips, and Creeper will drink from that. I just don't think the fogger alone will get the humidity up enough.

I had thought about making some kind of rain system that just rains, instead of mists, but again I am now sure it that will keep the humidity up. I am not really good at the diy, but I may be able to figure something out.
find a jungle pattern shower curtain and use it as a back ground on the back and at least and maybe the sides too. If he is worried about the floor get cheep rugs that you can put in the washer from the clearance sections of your local stores.
still complains then counter complain with something he does that is worse...lol
find a jungle pattern shower curtain and use it as a back ground on the back and at least and maybe the sides too. If he is worried about the floor get cheep rugs that you can put in the washer from the clearance sections of your local stores.
still complains then counter complain with something he does that is worse...lol

the rug idea is definitely a good one... maybe a bath may that is designed to be absorbent... That plus a shower curtain may just be my lifesaver! I think he just needs to see it in action.

as for something he does worse.... hm i will have to think about something i can bring up haha
How on earth do you spray without soaking the walls and surrounding area?! My husband has decided I am not allowed to spray the Cham because he is worried about the water getting everywhere.

Polyethylene sheeting works wonders, camouflaging the tape is tough. Double sided tape is good for this. You would want something at least 6-12mil to not have that trashbag look.
i got plants and put them around my cage. Makes it look even nicer and the leaves have stopped the overspray. I was getting it on my walls which i could not have because i live in a brand new home. Cant justifiy devalueing a home for a pet. Even though my dogs destroyed my back yard lol. But i got a few plants and put them around the cage and now i have no issues.
That sounds like a good option as well. I live in a rental home so yeah I definitely can't devalue the home. Having tall plants around to stop the spray may help with humidity as well. Will definitely be something to look in to.
Thanks for all of the idea guys. If I can prove to the husband these work he would be a much happier camper haha. Now I just need to to figure out some better drainage
With proper plant placement, proper nozzle placement, you should have no overspray.

You can have a MK nozzle in a FR setup, and still not have overspray.

So in short, spray the plants, and have the plants control the water, and drip it downwards, like rain.

This can be accomplished with a hand sprayer as well.
Weirde I thought vivs were linked to resonators infections..? Maybe not though lol. As for the plants being organized properly, I only have one overgrown pothos in my cage and it honestly looks a little too full to me haha. I can definitely try moving some stuff around though.
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