Pale Veiled Chameleon


New Member
Hey guys.

So I have a female veiled around 6 months old and I recently had a vet check up and everything went well. No signs of MBD, said she was surprisingly strong coming from petsmart and good color. She did a fecal exam and said she has some parasites so she gave her a Metronidazole suspension last week and said to come in in 2 weeks to recheck the feces. Ever since the vet, I'll reach in the cage and she will put one limb on my hand and then immediately turn around almost as if remembering the horror of the vet, which I assumed would happen. The problem is that she is looking VERYYYY light green and pale. I know this could mean she's trying to cool down and hottest temp in basking is 85 F currently. She's also just laying on the vine, not just sitting. I put in about 5 large crickets and she normally spots them and attacks, but she hasn't moved at all. Her eyes are still open so she's not sleeping. I included a picture, but obviously in person it looks a bit different. And I bet someone might say her eyes look a bit sunken in as if she's dehydrated but her urate from today is white. Just seeing if anyone had an opinion if I should go to the vet immediately or I can wait until wednesday. Also gonna add in pet care details!

* Your Chameleon - Female veiled chameleon. Could be 6 months? She has been in my care for about a month.
* Handling - About once a day, I'll leave the cage open sometimes and she'll walk on my hand or floor for about 10 minutes and then I put her back.
* Feeding - I feed her about 6-10 crickets a day and recently have been feeding her 1-2 Superworms. I gutload crickets with kale. I feed her in the morning before I leave for class
* Supplements - I sprinkle Repticalcium without D3 on her crickets every day and Reptivite every other Sunday.
* Watering - I spray water with Reptisafe on the leaves any time I see some has evaporated or it seems a bit dry. Also have a dripper made with a water bottle with a hole in the cap in case it gets too dry.
* Fecal Description - Urate is white while bowel movements are brown. Poops normally daily.
* HISTORY - Got her from petsmart and thought she was a boy and a year old

Cage Info:
* Cage Type - Zoo Med Starter Kit. Screen cage. 16x16x30
* Lighting - Reptisun 5.0 UVB and 100 Watt ZooMed Daylight Blue Reptile Bulb for heat. Turn on lights around 7:30 am but she's usually awake by then and turned off around 7-8 pm (whenever she is curled up)
* Temperature - Basking spot is around 85 F and cage floor is around 79 F. Lowest overnight temp is about 72 F. I have a digital thermometer that came with starter kit.
* Humidity - Around 40-50.
* Plants - No live plants yet, but fake ones from the pet store. Planning on getting a real one soon.
* Placement - My cage is in living room on a stool to give it some height.
* Location - Arizona
Looks like she may be gravid though I am not sure, she's a litthe round. You definitely need to upgrade your cage size by now. 2ftx2ftx4ft[/QUOTE
Do gravid females ever show a light yellow color? She came out and I took her outside for a bit and she greened up and brought her back in and she's pale yellow. Should I put her in her laying bin?
I would check your basking temps with a better gage she might be over heating. Does she open her mouth a lot like she is having extended yawns? The best temp device I have found is a infrared heat temp gun I got mine off of E-bay for just over 11 bucks. They are extremely accurate, and you can even take the temp right off their skin.
I would check your basking temps with a better gage she might be over heating. Does she open her mouth a lot like she is having extended yawns? The best temp device I have found is a infrared heat temp gun I got mine off of E-bay for just over 11 bucks. They are extremely accurate, and you can even take the temp right off their skin.
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Nope she doesn't :/ I have 100 Watt bulb, for female veileds can I use a 60 watt? this is her back in her spot
She may have lost her appetite from taking the medication. I don't know anything about that med for parasites, but I know Ponzuril works and from my experience does not cause them to stop eating. If she still wont eat, maybe ask the vet to change the medication.
She may have lost her appetite from taking the medication. I don't know anything about that med for parasites, but I know Ponzuril works and from my experience does not cause them to stop eating. If she still wont eat, maybe ask the vet to change the medication.
Could that make her have a pale yellow color? She's all curled up right now ready to sleep will her head resting on the vine. Should I go ahead and just turn off the lights?
100 watt is really strong, most people use a 60 watt. Temps for females are usually kept around 85 in basking.
Well what size bulb you use is very dependent on a lot of factors like how far away it is, and how worm it is in your house, and so on. I use a 60 watt bulb and my basking area is about 80-82, but that doesn't mean yours will be the same you really need to measure it. I think @carol5208 might be on to something maybe it is the meds causing it. How bad did the vet say the parasite load was? Sometimes if it is real bad a sudden kill off of the parasites can also cause them to get sick. I always use Panacur myself
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Yeah definitely. Turn of the lights if it is night time. You do turn the lights off every night right???
Well what size bulb you use is very dependent on a lot of factors like how far away it is, and how worm it is in your house, and so on. I use a 60 watt bulb and my basking area is about 80-82, but that doesn't mean yours will be the same you really need to measure it. I think carol might be on to something maybe it is the meds causing it. How bad did the vet say the parasite load was? Sometimes if it is real bad a sudden kill off of the parasites can also cause them to get sick.
So the house is around 77 when I'm not home and then lowest at night is like 72. At the highest basking point closest to the bulb the max it's been is 85. I still have the 60 Watt I originally got, so I can switch it out and see if that helps. In regards to the vet visit she told me the exact type of parasite but also said it was very common. She also told me that there weren't many and she saw about 10 within the spot she focused on in the microscope. Then she said the one Metronidazole dose SHOULD be enough to wipe them out, but the second is just in case and she's gonna check feces again next Wednesday
So the house is around 77 when I'm not home and then lowest at night is like 72. At the highest basking point closest to the bulb the max it's been is 85. I still have the 60 Watt I originally got, so I can switch it out and see if that helps. In regards to the vet visit she told me the exact type of parasite but also said it was very common. She also told me that there weren't many and she saw about 10 within the spot she focused on in the microscope. Then she said the one Metronidazole dose SHOULD be enough to wipe them out, but the second is just in case and she's gonna check feces again next Wednesday
Personally I don't think changing the light would hurt, however without an actual reading I can't be certain a 100 watt does seam a little much IMO but if your sure it is only in the 80's it should be ok. She will need to be in the 80's for proper thermoregulation, and digestion of her food.
she does NOT wanna stay in her cage and go to bed and is pacing. Should I put her in the laying bin for the night?
I don't think she is ready to lay eggs, and doesn't look gravid to me unless she doesn't have very many. However after they reach her age I kept a laying ben in all the time, so if you could arrange it, it wouldn't hurt.
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