panther breeding

Ok so i just put my female blue bar and male red bar together today for the first time cause i thaught she as receptive. First off when i put them together i realised the male was about 2 to 3 times bigger than her and she ways 88 grams. When they were together the male puffed out hs dullap and when he got close he started to open his mouth to were he can fit her head in his mouth. his mouth was so big and he just kept getting closer that i then immediatly seperated them wondering if she wanted to breed, i also kept my hand close cause i was scared, and he might of been trying to attack me cause he was allso looking at my hand and was puffing up, he is usually very calm and will never puff up at me. That was also the first time he ever saw a female. I can show pics if you gues are wondering about the size ratio. Should i put her back and just let them work it out? Please help i am very confused. Thank You!!!!
Most likely he was being aggressive towards your hand. My males get very aggressive when I put females in their cages but only until I close the cage. then they get their business done.
the female is 13 months old and layed a clutch of eggs for the guy who had her 3 months ago and i just got a male so im eager to put them together. the male is about 20 months old. should i put them together again and just let them fight if they do or brake it up.
It looks like you may be fairly new to chams, i would consider maybeing holding off and doing a ton of research before you attempt the breeding project. I could be wrong, not trying to be offensive but i think i read you just got your chams. Understanding your chameleon behavior and needs before attempting to breed is suggested.

If i am way off base sorry just my thoughts.

Gpmo (him)
How did the female behave towards the male? Did she darken her colors, gape, sway back and forth?

Your hand being close to the male might have been part of the problem.

What I do is hold the female outside the male's cage. This way you don't have to worry about them attacking each other. If they both behave appropriately to each other, then they can be put together. The female should be removed when she starts to show aggression to the male .

If they act aggressively to each other then try a few days/weeks later to see if they are ready then.
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she did not darken her colors but did open her mouth only because he was opening his mouth at are hands at least thats what i think. do you leave your male and female panther chameleon together?
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