Panther Cham


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Panther Chameleon, Male, 4/5 months, have had it for 2 months
Handling - Handled once a week/ every other week
Feeding - Crickets 15 or so a day medium sized once in the morning. I gut load with a calcium supplement and fresh greens.
Supplements - Repticalcium with d3 and just bought reptivite with d3. I was dusting them 2x a week with the calcium without d3.
Watering - I have an auto mister that runs every 4 hours for 15 seconds, i run a drip a few times a day for a minute or so. The chameleon drinks, not everytime, but most of the time.
Fecal Description - good consistency, black with a little white at the tip
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? no
History - Bred in a store

Cage Info:
Cage Type -16"x16"x30" Reptibreeze screen cage, all screen minus the floor
Lighting - Daylight Blue Reptile bulb 60w and a Reptisun 5.0 UVB light bulb. They are o n from about 630am to 730pm
Temperature - Top is about 86/87 degrees bottome around 75 lowest overnight temperature is high 60s, measure with a zoomed digital thermometer
Humidity - my humidity hovers around 60, i use a mister to acheive this
Plants - just one, dont know what type
Placement - The cage is located in my living room and is situated about 3 feet above the ground
Location - Long Isand

Current Problem -

My Panther chameleon has taken to being dark most of the time. The only times he lightens up are when i approach the cage, handle him, or feed him. It should be noted he puffs and opens his mouth when i approach him so im not sure he enjoys my presence. That being said i know to equate darkness with stress and or illness and just want to make sure my little guy will enjoy a long happy exsistence, i have ben thinking of moving him into the hallway where there is not as much activity. any help or advice is much appreciated, i have no idea how to post a picture or i would
This how he looks sometimes, more asthetically pleasing, but he is always this other darker color lately


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He looks very cute. But he does look a little dark. Can you take a pic off your whole set up. What do you have in there for plants?
Sometimes when they are dark they are looking for heat. Also, he may feel too exposed with only the one plant in there. He looks like hes far on a branch, or at the top of his plant which is why it is so scarce. He could benefit from more foliage...i know my chameleons LOVE umbrella trees and ficus!! He looks great though, i know young ones, in my opinion, are a little "spastic" in their colorings, almost like they are just figuring it out!!
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