Panther Chameleon been sick, refusing food, and jumpy!


New Member
Your Chameleon - Social little Male Red Bar Ambilobe Panther, 11 and a half months :) He's called Quentin and he's growing like a weed!!

Handling - Every time I get home from work he is scratching at the doors trying to get out, he loves being handled, as soon as you open the door he grabs your hand and runs up it, and sits on my shoulder or head, he's really snuggly and likes falling asleep either curled up in my neck or on my hand at night, we hand feed him a lot of the time, and he drinks water from a spoon when he's thirsty and keeps licking my skin, so we have promoted closeness since we first got him, he used to sit on my nose as a baby and curl up :) He's the friendliest little animal I have ever met!

Feeding - Locusts, it can vary how many he eats, he always munches a few small/medium ones in the morning and then a couple around midday, he really likes morio worms, but we try not to give him too many as they're quite big. He loves soldier flies, enjoys running around catching them, occasionally he'll eat the odd wax moth, and when he's good we give him a wax worm or two to treat him. We tried him on crickets quite a few times, but he prefers locusts (phew!)

Supplements - I can't think at the top of my head what it's called, like nutroball? Reptile Calcium Suppliments we got him from a reptile specialist, he recommended them for chameleons.

Watering - He gets misted 4 times a day for 30 seconds a time, and we give him a spoon to lick if he gets thirsty and when it's very warm outside we spray all on his skin too so his skin gets damp (as he always avoids the auto-mister, he doesn't like getting wet and he's worked out how to avoid it and when, little bugga!)

Fecal Description - White dry urine, big healthy poos, but the other day he had a bit of a watery one, that's when we thought there was a problem.

History - We had him since he was born, so we are his history :)

Cage Info:

Cage Type - 5 foot tall, 3 foot wide, 2 foot deep, XL Xtall Exo Terra Terrarium, mesh roof.

Lighting - 2 small repti glow 5.0 tubes, one under the top mesh at the back, and one on top of the mesh at the front of the viv, on for 13 hours a day, changing with the daylight outside so he doesn't get confused when looking out of the window. If he's out of his viv for an hour or a couple of hours, we just leave the UV lights on a little bit longer to make sure he has enough each day.

Temperature - Basking 32*C, Top 29*C, Bottom 25*C.

Lowest overnight temp? - Top 22*C, Bottom 18*C.

Humidity - Usually between 50% and 80%, depending on the time since the auto-mister.

Plants - Madagascan Dragon Tree (triple headed one) and quite a few plastic and silky fake hanging plants, also has a ladder from top to bottom.

Placement - Well we live in a big private bit of land, neighbours are far away and the road is pretty far away, so no noise, we have a female panther we purchased in December and they have just mated after intense suspence of him doing his little mating head bobbling at her every time they caught sight since that time! He is let to free roam the bedroom when he gets over-active and scratches at the glass, he's a very happy and free little man and loves staring out of the window at the rabbits, he can do that for quite a few hours if we let him!

Current Problem - He hasn't really eaten since Wednesday/Thursday, it's hard to keep track of him during the day as we leave locusts in his viv and he has a tub for morio worms that he occasionally walks to and nibbles, but he hasn't been doing this and the hoppers in his viv are not dissapearing during the daytime... On Saturday he glugged quite a bit of water and then was sick, we thought he had just drank too much and thrown it back up as we had him in the sun and he may have got a little hot, but then on Sunday after being in his viv, he threw up again, bubbly liquid, not as much this time, and he has been used to us as we got him a matter of days after he was born, he is very friendly and loves being handled, but this weekend he jumps when you move, he hides if you walk near him, but when you get close he is fine and happy and walks on you. but not moving very much recently.

I have never seen him be sick before, he's never done it, and he does sometimes refuse food but always gets there in the end, he works at his own pace, but he does get hand-fed and we leave him some worms and hoppers in the viv, so he's always got some around him and his food gets gut-loaded with every leafy veg we can find, some doc leaves too, as they LOVE those, but mostly salads, veggies like broccoli, asparagus, sweet peas, the occasional tomato but they aren't huge fans, and we have a tub of the bug grub to add with it, we also lightly mist their salad and have the water supplements so they don't drown, and the wax worms have oatmeal and bran flakes.

Can somebody help please?! I've called the vets around mine but they don't have a chameleon specialist, I have gained a few more numbers online to call but I don't want to pay a lot to find out they cannot diagnose him as they do not specialist in Chameleons!

Just to add--He's NEVER been scared of anything or anyone before but now sometimes you will walk up to him and he hides!!?? :-( :-(

Thank you! :)
Welcome to the forum.
Sorry to hear that your cham is sick.
A sick cham will often find a place to hide and stay under cover. It's their instinct because preditors look for sick animals as easy prey.

What are you using as a basking light?
How are you measuring the basking temp?

I'm no vet by any means, but I would collect a poop sample and take it to the vet and have it tested for parasites.

Also, where are you getting your feeders from? Are they farm raised and totally free of chemical pesticides?

Thank you very much for the quick reply, unfortunately I am at work so will have to check the basking bulb when I return home. At the moment it is off as he threw up when he got back in his viv and went directly under it yesterday. It is not directly on him though it is the other side of the mesh, I know I got it from the reptile shop, but I will find out what wattage.

I breed my feeders, I purchased several tubs from my local reptile shop (Reptile Crazy in Norwich) and I have been feeding them to all 4 of my Chams (I have two Jackson Xanths and two Red Bar Ambilobes) and the others are doing just fine, they are all eating from the same lot of hoppers and I have been breeding them myself for a good 2-3 months maybe more now!

Also he's not hiding out anywhere, he's always roaming about around the top of his viv, he has a few vines he walks around, so he's nice and visible and up high about 98% of the time, so I'm hoping it's nothing too serious. I've checked all the obvious, clicking when breathing, panting, bubbling from mouth / nose, nothing like that, he seems completely normal and is his fully bright colourful self.. It's just so odd :-( I had to force feed him last night, my other half managed to wedge a wax worm into a syringe (non-needle lol I always have to say that as syringe just makes me think of a needle!) and he managed to squirt two wax worms into his gob while he had it open to drink, so he has something in his belly... But that's it at the moment, and unfortunately we cannot watch him whilst at work as we both work full time, but my other half lives so close to work he goes home at lunch and feeds them all and checks up on them then.

Thank you, I didn't think of that, I have advised a specialist, I am just making arrangements with my work to try and get an hour or so off to get him there, but that's great thinking I will bring a couple of little ...samples... for her!

Oh and the basking temp is measured by a usual thermometer and hygrometer with a probe.

Thank you very much for your reply!
Any advise would be appreciated as I have never had a sick or poorly Cham before! :-(

His bulb is 35w.

We took him to the vets yesterday and his kidneys are failing, there isn't much we can do, or could have done, as it is genetic and it isn't curable :(

We're just going to have to keep bathing him and keep giving him the syringe medicine, and hope he lasts as long as he can and lives as happily as he can. He's not even a year old, this really isn't fair for him :(

Thanks anyway,
I'm really sorry to hear that. Completely unfair for him and for you hopefully the rest of his days will be happy.
I would think this is something his breeder needs to know about. If it's genetic than I assume the same parents shouldn't be bred together again.
Oh my! Poor you and your poor baby! I feel so bad for you! Hopefully you can just keep him happy so he will lead a full life while he can!
His bulb is 35w.

We took him to the vets yesterday and his kidneys are failing, there isn't much we can do, or could have done, as it is genetic and it isn't curable :(

We're just going to have to keep bathing him and keep giving him the syringe medicine, and hope he lasts as long as he can and lives as happily as he can. He's not even a year old, this really isn't fair for him :(

Thanks anyway,

Sorry to hear that. I feel your pain.
I had a panther with a genetic defect also. I was not able to keep him alive very long, and he died at a year old :(
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