Panther chameleon egg incubation


I know the temp ranges for eggs from around 72F-78F but what temperature in that range should I specifically set my incubator too?
I used to keep mine at 74F but my incubator wasn't a real incubator and the temperature could fluctuate.
My incubator was a heating pad with a raised screen frame over it to get the temp in the container at 74F. The eggs were in an opaque Tupperware container that I kept it in the dark. So because it wasn't in an enclosed space, the temp could vary a bit with the room temp.

Number of days from laying to hatching varies with the temperature. The warmer you keep them the faster they hatch...the cooler you keep them the longer it takes to hatch...but you need to ask yourself what number of days would make them the healthiest when they hatch?
Hi there,
I came down to check my eggs this morning, which I do 2-3 times a day and my incubator went on the fritz and dropped the temperature to 43°f which is a huge drop, I have been incubating since October and I'm worried that they all just got killed from the low temps. Please help
Hi there,
I came down to check my eggs this morning, which I do 2-3 times a day and my incubator went on the fritz and dropped the temperature to 43°f which is a huge drop, I have been incubating since October and I'm worried that they all just got killed from the low temps. Please help
Update ?
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