Panther Chameleon Growth Chart Wanted!!


New Member
Hello! I have two male panthers, one is a 3mo Ambilobe and the other is a 5mo Nosy Faly. I've been keeping record of their weight since I got them and it seems in the past two-three weeks they have both gained a noticable amount of weight. They don't look over-weight they've just lost their baby faces/bodies and I'm wondering if it's a normal amount.

If anyone else has kept track of weight gain and if I can see what the general natural progression of growth is I would be very grateful. I understand all chams are different and I just want to take a look for reference!

Here's their growth so far:
Nov17/12 - 5g
Dec02/12 - 6g
Jan07/13 - 11g
Jan17/13 - 17g

Dec02/12 - 10g
Dec09/12 - 12g
Jan07/13 - 21g
Jan17/13 - 31g

It just doesn't make sense, or maybe I'm looking too far into it?? Any help would be appreciated! :)


  • Sully Jan 17 2013.jpg
    Sully Jan 17 2013.jpg
    249.8 KB · Views: 323
  • Dex Jan 17 2013.jpg
    Dex Jan 17 2013.jpg
    249.8 KB · Views: 377
It's normal. They grow in spurts, and they can sometimes grow a huge amount within days. Then they have periods where they grow more slowly, and this cycle repeats until they are at their full-grown size. It's all good:)
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