panther chameleon -help please


New Member
I have a panther cham she is about a year and half old and in a completely mesh cage, i have put pillow cases around 3 sides to allow ventilation and still allow humidity and heat to stay in but i still can't seem to keep them up to the temps she needs, she does seem to be happy but i would like to see her temp and humidity up. I have a drip system that drips into a bowl at the bottom of her cage and empty it about 3 times daily i also mist the fake plants and vines alot during the day. I have 2 bulbs one is exo terre 5 uvb sun glo light and a exo terra sunglo 50 watt for heat. I tried a fogger and that helps the humidity but lowers her temp. her temp is at 21 celcius in the middle of the tank and 78 f at the basking spot. can anyone help me out with suggestions?
I would recommend using something like garbage bags for the sides of the cage this will help keep the humidity up.

Adding a live plant or two would also help keep the humidity up. A couple recommendations would be a pothos, schefflera (umbrella Tree), or a ficus.

For the basking temperature use a bulb with a higher wattage. A household incandescent bulb will do just fine. Try a 60w or 75w or even higher if needed to get the desired temperature. You can also move the bulb closer or farther from the basking spot to adjust this.
I tried a basking spot lamp at 75 watts and she seems not to move very much and looked really weird, this worried me so i changed back to the 50 watt
What are the dimensions of the cage? The basking spot is a little low. Mid 80's would be better. The plastic on the cages as mentioned by skully23 would increase the humidity and keep the temps up a bit.
Where do you live? What is the natural humidity for the area that you live?
You can increase the humidity by changing the water bowl out once a day rather than 3 times a day. If you have live plants, the the moist soil will aid in increasing the humidity as well.
I will add the garbage bags right now to see if thats helps her put a bit, I live in calgary alberta canada and there is no humidity here at all, her tank is in the same room as a salt water tank thinking that would help her humidity and I will also look for some live plants. I only empty the bowl when it gets filled up by the drip system otherwise it always has water in it. what is the best misting system out there? is there one that heats the water
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